Senin, 28 Maret 2022

Adjectivele Posesive în Engleză

Adjectivele Posesive în Engleză

Apakah pengertian dari posesive ??

1. Apakah pengertian dari posesive ??

Posesive adalah : suatu sikap yang dipunyai atau ditujukan untuk mengontrol  atau mendominasi sesuatu/seseorang .
posesive dalam kamus bahasa inggris adalah showing a desire to control. dalam bahasa indonesia posesif adalah suatu sikap yang ditunjukkan untuk mengontrol sesuatu. maaf kalau salah 

2. contoh kalimat posesive prono

This is hers.
(Ini miliknya.)=> Answer :
The dictionary is mine.

=> Terjemahan :
Kamus itu milikku.

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^

3. kalimat yang mengandung posesive noun

a girls dress
a fish’s eggs
a dog's bone

moga membantu ya :)Possesive Noun

1. The book is Ari's
2. My family's isn't fat
3. My class' is blue
4. Are this shirt the girl'?
5. This is my fatherks
6. The doctor coat is dr. Sinta's

Maaf kalo salah

4. contoh kalimat posesive pronoun +noun

possesive pronoun :
- This book is Hers
Possesive noun :
- This Is Luna's book

5. Ini soal posesive pronoun sama posesive adjective. This is her car. That car is.....

maaf kalau salah
semoga bermanfaat!!

6. apa yang di maksud dengan posesive adjective ?

posesive adjective adl yg menyatakan sesuatu kepemilikan. ex my,your,hiss,he etc

7. Kata Posesive diubah menjadi kata Objektive​

5 your

6 his

7 my

8 his

9 her

10 our

8. Those are their bacpacks di ubah jadi posesive pronoun


Those backpacks are theirs


Theirs merupakan salah satu possessive pronoun untuk kata their yang artinya milik mereka. Sehingga apabila diterjemahkan menjadi "Ransel itu milik mereka"

9. Buatlah 5 kalimat posesive pronoun


Contoh kalimat dengan possessive pronoun mine:

1).This girl is mine artinya gadis ini adalah milik saya.

2).This clock is mine artinya Jam ini adalah milik saya.

3).That table is mine artinya Meja itu adalah milik saya.

4).This laptop is mine artinya Laptop ini adalah milik saya.

5).That car is mine artinya mobil itu adalah milik saya.


Possessive Pronouns:

This house is mine.That book is yours.That beautiful dress is hers.This laptop is his.Those cars are ours.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Possessive Pronouns (kata ganti kepemilikan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Subject Pronouns   Possessive Pronouns

            I                                   Mine

          You                               Yours

           We                                Ours

          They                              Theirs

            He                                  His

           She                                 Hers

              It                                     -

Rumah ini milikku. Buku itu milikmu. Gaun cantik itu miliknya. Laptop ini miliknya. Mobil-mobil itu milik kita.

Semoga membantu ya.

10. În ce stadiu se afla procesul de integrare a României în Uniunea Europeană si in NATO? si vreau raspunsul in romana

nati si integrare romana

11. fill the balnks with the correct posesive adjektive!! ​


his laptop is on the

maaf kalau salah

12. contoh subject, object, posesive pronoun, posesive adjective dari:IYou They We SheIt He

i need help
you like apple
wher they went
she is my teacher
it is apple
he is my freind1) I
Subject = I choose the seat.
Object = They are both older than me.
Possessive pronoun = I choose the seat, it's mine.
Possessive adjective = That is my pencil.

2) You
Subject = Do you like me?
Object = They are both older than you.
Possessive adjective = This is your pencil.
possessive pronoun = This pencil is yours.

3) They
Subject = They are both older than me.
Object = I like playing football with them.
Possessive pronoun = This house is theirs.
Possessive adjective = This is their house.

4) We
Subject = We can do it.
Object = Would you like to come with us?
Possessive adjective = This is our school.
Possessive pronoun = This school is ours.

5) She
Subject = She usually takes a bath at six o'clock.
Object = Do you like her?
Possessive adjective = i usually go to her house.
Possessive pronoun = Are this gloves is hers?

6) He
Subject = He can makes great fried bananas.
Object = I like him.
Possessive adjective = This is his pencil.
Possessive pronoun = This pencil is his.
7) It
Subject = It doesn't have 4 legs.
Object = Did you like It?
Possessive adjective = It's
Possessive pronoun = It's     

13. buat kalimat posesive adjective + noun

Lampung is my hometown.

(Lampung adalah kampung halamanku.)

My car is not the expensive one.

(Mobilku bukanlah mobil yang mahal.)

My parents are the best parents in the world.

(Orangtuaku adalah yang terbaik di dunia ini.)

My book was missing yesterday.

(Bukuku hilang kemarin.)

Your glasses is very nice.

(Kacamatamu sangat bagus.)

Today is your day.

(Hari ini adalah harimu.)

Your body is so slim.

(Badanmu sangat langsing.)

Your eyes are beautiful.

(Matamu sangat indah.)

I borrowed his pen yesterday.

(Aku meminjam pulpen miliknya kemarin.)

His cat is cute.

(Kucing miliknya lucu.)

His brothers are really handsome.

(Saudara-saudaranya sangat tampan.)

His mother is a really nice person.

(Ibunya adalah orang yang sangat baik.)

Her dress is so fancy.

(Gaun miliknya sangatlah mewah.)

I am using her shirt.

(Aku memakai kaos miliknya.)

Her face is unique.

(Wajahnya unik.)

Her hair is smooth.

(Rambutnya halus.)

Our shoes are the same.

(Sepatu kita sama.)

Our classroom is very clean.

(Ruang kelas kita sangat bersih.)

That is our table.

(Itu adalah meja milik kita.)

Rina found our clothes.

(Rina menemukan baju-baju milik kita.)

That cat wagged its tail.

(Kucing itu mengibaskan ekornya.)

That monkey is shaking its head.

(Monyet itu menggoyangkan kepalanya.)

The tree is starting to lose its leaves.

(Pohon itu mulai kehilangan daunnya.)

The birds are flapping its wings.

(Burung-burung itu mengepakkan sayapnya.)

They are sleeping in their bedroom.

(Mereka tertidur di kamar tidur milik mereka.)

Their school is the best school in the city.

(Sekolah mereka adalah sekolah terbaik di kota.)

Their friends are fake.

(Teman-teman mereka bermuka dua.)

Their movie is very romantic.

(Film mereka sangat romantis

14. tuliskan contoh posesive adjective

my house,my hometown,your letter

15. tolong dong buatin kalimat disertakan subject,objecr,posesive adjective ,posesive pronoun dngan kata 1)Jungle2)mountain

1. Subject
a. I am going to jungle
b. They have visited mountain

16. mixed ( pronouns and posesive adjectives) mohon bantuannya :)​


1. Me

2. Them

3. She

4. Our

5. We

6. Its, It

7. You, Yours

8. She, She, Theirs, Them, We, It, Ours

9. Us, We

10. Him, Them, Her


1 me

2 Them

3 she

4 our

5 we

6 it's, it

7 you, yours

8 she, she, theirs, them,we,it, our's

9 us, we

10 him, them, her


semoga. membantu ya kaka

sedikit tips kalau orangnya ada 2-banyak lah

itu kata2 di tambahin S contoh "WE" want an ice cream'S

17. penggabungan kalimat object pronoun dengan posesive pronoun

I'm sorry for disturbing the meeting but the international students asked me to show them every right that is theirs.

18. contoh kalimat posesive pronoun​


Contoh Kalimat Possessive Pronoun Tunggal

-Instead of buying a new one, why don’t you bring mine?

Daripada beli yang baru, kenapa kamu tidak bawa punyaku?

-That bike is yours now

Motor itu milikmu sekarang

-It’s hard to choose, but I like hers

Sulit untuk memilih, tapi saya suka miliknya

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Pronoun Jamak

-Can you guess which one is ours?

Bisakah kamu tebak yang mana milik kita?

-Yours are in the bedroom

Milik kalian ada di kamar tidur

-These fancy cars are theirs

Mobil mewah ini adalah milik mereka

19. apa pengertian dari posesive pronoun dan berikan contohnya

contoh nya
my brothers study table was pink mine was light bluePossesive pronoun adalah kata ganti kepunyaan.

Berikut daftar possesive pronoun
I => Mine
You => Yours
We => Ours
They => Theirs
He => His
She => Hers
It => Its

Contohnya :
1. The book is mine
2. This money isn't yours
3. Are this shoes hers?

Maaf kalo salah

20. kalimat posesive berbahasa inggris

Possessive Pronouns:
1. Ms.Levine sent me an attachment file when your brother was lost.
2.Their homework were collected yesterday.
3.She left the keys when our session was done for Math.
4.Mine weren't the only lost bag!Other people's bag were there too.

Yang di garisbawahi merupakan kata possessive pronouns.

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