Kamis, 17 Maret 2022

Teste Clasa 2 Semestrul 2

Teste Clasa 2 Semestrul 2

apa artinya teste buds

Daftar Isi

1. apa artinya teste buds

taste buds = selera
maaf kalo salahteste buds=selera

semoga membantu

2. Apabila seorang atlet melakukan tes kebugaran yang diukur oleh dua orang teste ternyata kedua teste tersebut memperoleh hasil yang sama, maka hasil tes tersebut dinamakan... a. kontinu b. normal c. kredibel d. objektif

makasih banyak

3. tolong donk bntuin buat simple past teste tuh contoh nya

berapa? aku buatin 3 yah...

(+)she play in the park
(-)she does not play in the park
(?)does she play in the park?

(+)he take a bath in the afternoon
(-)he does not take a bath in the afternoon
(?)does he take a bath in the afternoon

(+)I sing a song in the morning
(-)I do not sing a song in the morning
(?)do you sing a song in the morning?

semoga membantu lah yah....
kalo ada lagi ntar aku tulis dikomen yahh

4. Sebuah hotel selain menyewakan kamarjuga memiliki usaha restoran dan tokocendera mala hasil karya pengrajinsetempat Bidang produksi hotel tersebutadalah ...A jasa agraris, dan ekstraktifB jasa industri manufaktur danekstraktifClasa, industri manufaktur danperdaganganO industri manufaktur, agraris danperdagangan​




jasa indrusti manufaktur dan ekstraktif

5. C.A NarasiB. DhekenLatar panggonan waning deyaA SekolahHL LangAlun-alun ing kuthaku dapatkang endah asri. Ing si bale majtharik-tarik toko pecima. TesteA Dheskripsi B. Per​


tolong pertanyaannya diperbaiki biar gampang jawab nya



6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of comparison of degree!1)Last night my brother told me the....story that i have ever heard.(interesting)2)Faneya is the....student in his clasa.(big)3)No one is....than my father.(strong)4)Denni is as.....as her sister,Rony.(beautiful)5)Andi runs as....as Marko.(fast)

Degrees of comparison :

✓ Positive adjective

✓ Comparative adjective

✓ Superlative adjective

1. Positive adjective

✓ to describe two things/ two persons in the same quality.

✓ Using ( as +adjective+as )

Pattern :


Example :

Britani and Sherly are twins. Britani is as beautiful as Sherly

2. Comparative adjective

✓ to compare two persons or two things.

✓ Using -more + adjective ( more than one syllable )

✓ Using adjective+er ( only one syllable )

✓ Using the preposition "than" as the comparison.

Pattern :



Example :

Roy is smarter than Richard.

>>>>>Adjective ( smart) one syllable

The big bag is more expensive than the little bag

>>>>Adjective ( expensive) more than one syllable.

3. Superlative adjective

✓ As the single of the rest

✓ Using article "the" before adjective

✓ The highest degree

✓ Using -most+adjective ( more than one syllable )

✓ Using adjective+est ( only one syllable )

Pattern :

S+Tobe+the + most+adjective+ noun

S+tobe+the +adjective+est + noun

Example :

Mark is the most handsome boy in his class.

Jill is the smartest girl .

Answer :

1. Last night my brother told me the....story that i have ever heard.(interesting).

Tips and tricks :

✓ Clue : article "the" before adjective.

✓ Superlative alert

✓ Adjective ( interesting) has more than one syllable

Resolution :

Last night, my brother told me the most interesting story that I have ever heard.

2)Faneya is the....student in his class.(big)

Tips and tricks :

✓ Clue : article "the" before adjective

✓ Superlative alert

✓ Adjective ( big) has one syllable

Resolution :

Faneya is the biggest student in his class.

3)No one is....than my father.(strong)

Tips and tricks :

✓ Clue : the preposition "than" after adjective.

✓ Comparative alert

✓ Adjective ( strong) has one syllable

Resolution :

No one is stronger than my father.

4)Denni is as.....as her sister,Rony.(beautiful)

Tips and tricks :

✓ Clue : Using "as .......as"

✓ Positive alert

✓ It doesn't affect to the adjective' syllable.

Resolution :

Dennis is as beautiful as her sister, Rony.

5)Andi runs as....as Marko.(fast)

Tips and tricks :

✓ Clue : using " as.........as "

✓ Positive alert

✓ it doesn't affect to the adjective' syllable.

Resolution :

Andi runs as fast as marko

Material : Degrees of Comparison

7. l was...(embarrassed) than jimmy about the teste scores​


not comparable


hopefully not mistaken



jadi jawabannya = i was SHAME than jimmy about the test score


semoga membantu^^

maaf kalau salah

8. 3. Agil mengendarai sepeda motor dari kota Surabaya ke kota Semarang. la berangkat pada pukul 18.30 dan sampai Semarang pada pukul 01.30 keesokan paginya. Lama perjalanan yang ditempuh Agib adalah ... jam. Clasa liam​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dik =

> Berangkat pada pukul 18.30

> Sampai pada pukul 01.30 = supaya lebih gampang di kurangi diubah menjadi 25.30

Jawab =

= 25.30 - 18.30

= 07.00



berangkat pada 18.30

sampai pada pukul 01.30


semoga membantu

9. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dngan teste enhancer!berilah contoh yng alami dan sintetik

pengawet alami adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk membunuh atau mencegah perkembangbiakkan mikroorganisme yang terbuat dari bahan alami sedangkan pengawet sintesis adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk membunuh / mencegah perkembangbiakkan mikroorganisme yang terbuat dari bahan sintesis. contoh pengawet alami adalah garam , gula, dan cuka. pengawet sintesis contohnya azam benzoate.

10. clasa21 April 2020Apa pengoruh rantai makanan terhadapmakhluk hidup dalam solu ekosistem ?alanan SUSUNAN2.Apa perbedaanrantai makanan dan jaring" makanan?Bagaimana hubungan interaksi antara mashule hidup yamendiami habitat dalam suatu ekosistenn?Tuliskan contohnya ?​


Apa Perbedaan rantai makanan dgn jaring² makanan?

jawab:rantai makanan yaitu sebuah hubungan yg saling di makan atw di makan, sedangkan jaring² makanan dlm artian yg lebih luas

11. do you mind if i teste "it". apa yang dimaksud dengan kata "it"​


Itu (benda mati)


It adalah kata benda/singkatan.

jadikan jawaban tercerdas

12. There is 50 childern in clasa. 22 of them are boys. what percante of childer are boys?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

total children : 50

boys : 22

22/50 × 100 = 44% are boys

13. daily teste one (uh 1 ) aslm good morning students howare today ?l hape all of you time now we are study English don't forget to send your an swet in googleclassroom ontime​

terjemahan :

teste harian satu (uh 1)

aslm selamat pagi siswa bagaimana hari ini?

waktu kalian sekarang kita sedang belajar bahasa inggris jangan lupa untuk mengirimkan salam kalian di google classroom tepat waktu

semoga membantu:)

14. 1.i (watch) football match between napoli vs juventus (+) (-) (?) 2. chopper and brook (eat) a chocolate(+)(-)(?)3.usop (speak) english well in the clasa(+)(-)(?)buatlah kalimat menggunakan simple present into positif negativ and introgrative​


1. + I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.

- I do not watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.

? Do I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus?

2. + Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate.

- Chopper and Brook do not eat a chocolate.

? Do Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate?

3. + Usop speaks English well in the class.

- Usop does not speak English well in the class.

? Does Usop speak English well in the class?

15. Dette : sus clasa-10-11-20202020tugasubahPecahanbiasamenjadi decimalبا inno 1. 3/5=2. 4/5=​



3/5 = 0,6

6/10 = 0,6


4/5 = 0,8

8/10 = 0,8

=====Semoga Membantu=====


nah udah gua jawab tuh follow gua ya

16. he.... try to be less scared of teste. hewouldn't suffer so much. a. should. b. in order to. c. must not. d. have to

c. must not

maaf klo salah... semoga membantu...c. must not
Smg membantu yap

17. yang bisa tolong bantu aku change the sentence into passive forms. 1. the committe finally chose miss.clarita as miss friendship, as she is very friendly,smart,and beautiful. 2.as beauty is not only perfoming physical appearance, miss.redita is now learning personal beauty management. 3. using too much make up and wearing bad teste color in her clothes draws people attention

Miss clarita is finally chosen as miss friendship by the committe as she is very friendly,smart,and beautiful

18. yang bisa tolong bantu aku change the sentence into passive forms. 1. the committe finally chose miss.clarita as miss friendship, as she is very friendly,smart,and beautiful. 2.as beauty is not only perfoming physical appearance, miss.redita is now learning personal beauty management. 3. using too much make up and wearing bad teste color in her clothes draws people attention

1. Finally, Miss clarita was chosen as miss friendship by the comittee, as she is very friendly, smart and beautiful. 2. As beauty is not performing physical appearance, personal beauty performance is being learned by miss redita now. 3. People attention is drawn by using too much make up and wearing bad taste color in her clothes.

19. Kaka aku minta tolong bisa bantu jawaban? change the sentence into present continous teste!budi plays football...answer


Budi is playing football now

Jawaban :

Budi is playing football

Penjelasan : Kalau semisal di suruh mengubah ke kalimat positif, negatif, pertanyaan rumus nya kayak gini yah

(+) Subject + to be (am, is, are) + verb - ing + object

(-) Subject + to be + not + verb - ing + object

(?) To be + subject + verb - ing + object

To be :

Am -> I

Is -> He, she, it

Are -> You, they, we

Kalau di (?) itu wajib banget pake tanda tanya " ? " karena kita bikin sebuah pertanyaan dari kalimat yang telah kita susun dari (+) & (-)

Semoga membantu ndee <3

20. jelaskan yang dimaksud dngan teste enhancer!berilah contoh yng alami ! terimaksih sbelumnya

taste enhancer adalah bahan tambahan makanan yang memberikan rasa pada bahan tertentu, sehingga suatu makanan dapat bertambah manis, asam, dan sebagainya. Umumnya taste enhancer diberikan kepada makanan yang tidak atau kurang memiliki rasa sehingga disukai konsumen.
Contoh:Merica, jahe, cabai.

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