Minggu, 24 Juli 2022

Precizeaza Daca Sunt Pronume Sau Adjective Pronominale Relative

Precizeaza Daca Sunt Pronume Sau Adjective Pronominale Relative

contoh relative adjective clause

Daftar Isi

1. contoh relative adjective clause

1. Mr. Andreas Noel, who is the proffesor in this college, will be absent this week because of illness. 2. The teacher who always gives us motivation is going to American today1.the teacher who always gives us motivation is going to surabaya today

2. contoh relative clause dan adjective clause

relative clause (adjective clause):
1. the man whom you saw yesterday is my father
2. the boy who wears the black jacket is my new classmate
3. this is the book which I always read

3. contoh kalimat adjective clause dan relative clause ??

adjective clause : that is the car which has 2 doors is mine

4. iam a little girl that i like imagine tolong dibenerin yang pake relative adjective clause

iam like a little i girl that imaginei am a little girl who like imagine. adjective clause who digunakan untuk subject yg sama. bila menggunakan adjective clause, artinya menjadi saya adalah seorang gadis kecil YANG suka imajinasi.

5. perbaikan penggunaan tanda daca

Jwban yg benar adlh A

6. Create a sentence using "who" in adjective clause (RPS / Relative Pronoun as Subject) *


who is the girl biside him?


this is the answer.

7. Create a sentence using "who" in adjective clause (RPS / Relative Pronoun as Subject) *​


what is the child's name?

8. why relative clause is also called adjective clause?tolong di jawab ya kak pake b.ingg makasii​


A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can't stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun.


semoga bermanfaat dan bisa membantu

9. Adjective Clauses (Adj. C) with the Relative Pronouns who, whom, whose, which, and …

where & that............

10. apa yang di maksud dengan pacta sunt servanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda(aggrements must be kept) adalah asas hukum yangmenyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yangmengikat bagi para pihak yangmelakukan perjanjian.Pacta Sunt Servanda (aggrements must be kept) adalah asas hukum yang menyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yang mengikat bagi para pihak yang melakukan perjanjian. Asas ini menjadi dasar hukum Internasional karena termaktub dalam pasal 26 Konvensi Wina 1969 yang menyatakan bahwa “every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith” (setiap perjanjian mengikat para pihak dan harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik)

semoga membantu ya Mksih

11. contoh kalat adjective claude yang (Relative Pronoun as Object [RPO])​




12. prinsip pacta sunt servanda?

tiap negara yang ikut dalam suatu kesepakatan wajib mengikuti isi dalam kesepakatan dan tidak boleh dilanggar

13. combine the sentences using relative pronoun (adjective clause)

1. do you see my tshirt that i bought yesterday?
2. Ms. diana id a doctor and she lives near to my house
3. The men are drivers and they are very friendly
4. the car that hit me is belonged to mrs. jones
5. do you know the students which mr. jackson talked with today?

14. istilah pacta sunt sarvanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda adalah asas Kepastian Hukum dalam perjanjian, yaitu para pihak dalam perjanjian memiliki kepastian hukum dan oleh karenanya dilindungi secara hukum, sehingga jika terjadi sengketa dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian, maka hakim dengan keputusannya dapat memaksa agar pihak yang melanggar itu melaksanakan ...

15. combine this sentences by using relative clause/adjective clause​


1. A man who answered the phone told me you were out.

2. A waiter who served us was very impolite and impatient.

3. Where are the pictures which they used to hang on the wall?

4. What was the name of the horse that won the race?

5. I don't like those boys which never come on time.


You have some mistakes in your english writings. Do pay attention to how they should be written. Practice makes perfect! :)

And I made the relative clauses/adj clauses in bold words. ^^

16. Halo kak. Ini ada tugas untuk menggabungkan dua klausa menjadi relative pronoun/adjective clause/kalimat yang sempurna. Tolong bantuannya kak​


1. Healthy eating which is about less fried food, less sugar, and more vegetables and fruits, make you happier.

2. Tomatoes and berries can increase vigour and improve cognitive performance, which is essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

3. The man who hit 4 signspots on the side crossed the bridge.

4. This semester we study about analytical exposition text which is to persuade the reader or the listener that something is the case.


17. Buatlah 5 soal combine(menggabungkan) dan 5 soal essay yang bertema Adjective Clause & Relative Pronoun

Adjective Clause
1. The man standing under the tree are looking at me = The man who is standing…..

2. I know the man stealing my money yesterday = ….The man who stole …

3. The water consisting of Hydrogen and Oxygen is very important = The water which consists….
Relative Pronoun
The man who came yesterday is my uncle
The woman who lost a bag is Mrs Lee

18. contoh soal pilihan ganda adjective /relative clause​

Contoh soal pilihan ganda adjective/relative clause​:

1. Is she the girl ... you met at the party?

a. when

b. who

c. whom

d. which

e. where

2. Williamsburg, Virginia, is a place ... I'd like to visit.

a. that

b. is

c. are

d. which

e. where

3. The woman ... lives next door is a registered nurse.

a. which

b. whom

c. that

d. where

e. who

4. Math, ... is Dave's favorite subject, has always been easy for him.

a. when

b. what

c. that

d. which

e. where

5. Mike, ... ancestors came from Ireland, marched in the St. Patrick's Day parade.

a. which

b. whose

c. who

d. where

e. whom


Adjective clause merupakan serangkaian kata atau clause yang memiliki peran seperti adjective atau kata sifat. Adjective clause lebih umum dikenal sebagai relative clause karena adjective clause berperan untuk memberikan informasi baru yang berkaitan dengan subjek yang ada pada kalimat. Adjective clause digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) dan pronoun (kata pengganti) dalam sebuah kalimat.

Dalam penulisan adjective clause pada umumnya menggunakan relative pronoun. Relative pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kalimat yang menerangkan noun (kata benda), seperti:

That,digunakan sebagai kata ganti untuk menunjukkan subject atau object berupa manusia, hewan dan benda mati.Which, digunakan untuk menggantikan subject dan object berupa barang, peristiwa maupun hewan.Who, berfungsi sebagai relative pronoun untuk menggantikan subject berupa manusia.Whom, digunakan untuk menggantikan object manusia.Whose, berfungsi untuk mengganti possessive pronoun atau kata ganti kepunyaan.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang passive voice: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10343335Materi tentang subject: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/35180770Materi tentang grammar: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51057205


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 12

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Bab 8 - Adjective Clause

Kode: 12.5.8


19. Daca lungimile diagonalelor unui romb sunt egale cu 36 cm si 48cm,atunci perimetrul rombului este egal cu

loh kok? bahasa apa itu? -,-

20. saya mau bertanya tentang materi adjective clause.bagaiman cara membedakan apakah soal ini diberi relative prounoun atau tidak.terima kasih.

Adjective clause : adalah kumpulan frase untuk memberikan tambahan informasi suatu benda 

Ikan, yang berwarna merah, pasti rasanya enak
Fish, which has red color, must have a delicious taste. 

Membedakan relative pronoun(who, whose, whom, which, that) atau tidak adalah dengan melihat apakah pronoun tersebut setelah kata benda yang ingin dijelaskan. 

Apabila bukan setelah kata benda maka dia buka relative pronoun
who is this guy <- bukan 
The man, who just won the prize, wore a red shirt 

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