maning a call * Hello good morning / afternoon / evening * may SPean to ? * I'm from * Could You Aut me to ... 2 * could you tave my message for 2 * Please tell him that I will call him bach at Receving call * Hello good morning afternoon / evening * who is speaking, Please ? * can is help you ? * One moment, Please * Just a momente Will call * thank you for calling * can you speak up, Please ? the connection is a bit terrible * would you give him / her any mes age ? (formal)
1. maning a call * Hello good morning / afternoon / evening * may SPean to ? * I'm from * Could You Aut me to ... 2 * could you tave my message for 2 * Please tell him that I will call him bach at Receving call * Hello good morning afternoon / evening * who is speaking, Please ? * can is help you ? * One moment, Please * Just a momente Will call * thank you for calling * can you speak up, Please ? the connection is a bit terrible * would you give him / her any mes age ? (formal)
his complete name is Aria sanjaya putra The synonim of the underlined word is A.varios b. vacuous c.middle d.full