Rabu, 11 Januari 2023

Rephrase The Following Sentences

Rephrase The Following Sentences

REPHRASE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE GIVEN BEGIN you won't get fired unless you do something foolish. if you ...

Daftar Isi

1. REPHRASE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE GIVEN BEGIN you won't get fired unless you do something foolish. if you ...


ulangi kalimat berikut dengan awal yang diberikan

jika kamu


kamu tidak akan dipecat kecuali kamu melakukan sesuatu



You wouldn't get fired until you do something stupid.


2. Rephrase the following sentences with the given beginning1. You won't get fired unless you do something foolish.If you...​

If you don't do something foolish, you won't get fired

3. rephrase the following sentence in the passive voice!- My secretary didn't print the documents- Their boss won’t sign the contract tomorrow- My secretary won't print the documents ​


rephrase the following sentence in the passive voice!The documents wasn't print by my secretaryThe contract won't be signed by their boss tommorowThe documents won't be printed by my secretary

4. Hi all, Having learned the materials in Session 7, now please discuss the following questions. You are planning to meet with your client for a company negotiation and your client suggested meeting on Monday at 10 am. Write an appropriate response in one sentence that states: (Choose one) you are okay with the suggested schedule and you’ll be there, or, you offer an alternative schedule because you could not make it at that time. 2.Please read the sentence below. To put it simply, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the energy industry, particularly the hydrocarbon industry, has come to a strategic inflection point. How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? Explain your strategy in simplifying the conclusion. For question 1 and 2, you must write in English. Have a great discussion!

The appropriate response in one sentence that states that I am okay with the suggested schedule and I’ll be there:

I agree that we will have a meeting on Monday at 10 AM.

The rephrased sentence would be:

In short, the hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic change.

The explanation is that this phrase: "To put it simply, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the energy industry" can be replaced by a short one like: "in short" or "to conclude. "


Soal di atas meminta kita menyimpulkan kalimat menjadi lebih pendek dan mudah dimengerti dengan cara memotong kalimat yang panjang dengan sinonim kata yang bermakna sama. Hal tersebut bisa kita lakukan dengan cara memahami dahulu konteks kalimat. Untuk memahami konteks kalimat kita harus rajin membuka kamus bahasa Inggris untuk mengetahui arti kata yang belum kita pahami.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31849344

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

5. B. Rephrase the following sentences with the given1. You won't get fired unless you do something foolish.If you2. If you stop eating so many cakes, you'll get slimmer.You won't3. If you don't miss the bus, you'll get there in time.Provided4. If you're careful, you will not have a car accidentSo5. I can't help you unless you tell me what the problemI'd6. I think you are wrong not to trust him.If I7.what would you do if there were an earthquake?8.you have to have an invitation.then you would be able to go there.you would be able to go there provided9.what would happen if a meteorite crashed into earth?10.i left the map at the hotel,so i got lost in the town.​


B. Ulangi kalimat berikut dengan yang diberikan

1. Anda tidak akan dipecat kecuali Anda melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh.

Jika kamu

2. Jika Anda berhenti makan begitu banyak kue, Anda akan menjadi lebih baik

6. The following dialogue is for question 4-6. Viola: Sorry, Miss. Are you a new staff in this restaurant? Sinta: No, I’m not. Viola: .... (4) This is the staff only room. Sinta: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see the sign. I’m looking for the toilet, actually. Viola: Oh, okay. If you wanted to go to the toilet, you should go straight, then, turn left. Sinta: Thanks. “If you wanted to go to the toilet, you should go straight, then, turn left.” The sentence above can be rephrase into ....


oh miss this is the staff only room


maap klo salah

semoga membantu!


oh miss this is the staff only room


maaf kalo salah dan

semoga membantu

sekian dari saya Terima kasih

7. 2.Please read the sentence below. To put it simply, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the energy industry, particularly the hydrocarbon industry, has come to a strategic inflection point. How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? Explain your strategy in simplifying the conclusion.


How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? ... Simplified: The hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic inflection point.

8. Rephrase the sentences to use the possessive pronouns. 1. These are my boots. 2. This is her ballpoint. 3. Those are our books. 4. That is their car. ___ 5. These are your shoes.


1. These boots are mine.

2. This ballpoint is hers.

3. Those books are ours.

4. That car is theirs.

5. These shoes are yours.

I hope this helps!

9. Rephrase the following as in the example. She forgot to lock the door and so a thief broke into her house. If she hadn’t forgotten to lock the door, a thief wouldn’t have broken into her house. 1. The phone was broken so I didn’t call you. 2. They laughed. Jim didn’t know how to reboot the pc. 3. I felt so ashamed since I didn’t speak his language. 4. She didn’t take an umbrella with her and got wet. 5. I wasn’t careful enough and so I hurt myself. 6. He proposed to her and they got married. 7. Nobody opens the door. If he (be) at home, he (open) the door. 8. He isn’t a good man so I won’t marry him. 9. He wrote a email because he didn’t have a telephone


1. If the phone hadn't been broken, I would have called you.

2. If Jim had known how to reboot the PC, they wouldn't have laughed.

3. If I had spoken his language, I wouldn't have felt so ashamed.

4. If she had taken an umbrella with her, she wouldn't have gotten wet.

5. If I had been careful enough, I wouldn't have hurt myself.

6. If he hadn't proposed to her, they wouldn't have gotten married.

7. Nobody opens the door. If he had been at home, he would have opened the door.

8. If he had been a good man, I would have married him.

9. If he had had a telephone, he wouldn't have written an email.


If + Subject + had/(not) + V3 + O, Subject + would + have + V3 + O

10. Rephrase the sentences to use the possessive pronouns. 1. These are my boots. 2. This is her ballpoint. 3. Those are our books. 4. That is their car. ___ 5. These are your shoes.


1. These are my boots.

2. This is her ballpoint.

3. Those are our books.

4. That is their car.

5. These are your shoes.

Penjelasan: Its already possessive pronouns, i hope this helps

11. Task 7Rephrase the following sentence into correct form of superlative!1. Never have I seen such a amazing show!It's the most2. I've never listen such a bad song.It's3. I've never seen such a funny filmIt's the4. I have never heard a more stupid story.It is the5. I have never heard such a dreadful singer!He is6. Thave never heard such a talented pianist.Prayoga is the7. He's never played such a good gameThis is8. I havenever tasted such delicate soupIt is the9. I've never seen such a good filmThis is​

It's the most amazing showIt's the worst songIt's the funniest filmIt's the stupidest storyHe is the most dreadful singerPrayoga is the most talented pianistThis is the best gameIt's the most delicate soupThis is the best film

12. Tolong buat yang jago bahasa inggris tolong dong rephrase kan.Suka hati mau di rephrase kayak mana yang penting jelas "My mom grounded me for 6 months because I was using brainly while math test"


I was grounded by my mom because I used brainly during the math test.


13. Rephrase these sentences using active or passive voice:a) You must make your bed every day Your bed... b) The doctor is examining him He is... c) The child was given a present They... d) People believe the King is very rich The King is believed... e) You ought to invite them They ought... f) The tsunami has caused a lot of damage A lot of damage...​


a) Your bed must be made every day.

b) He is being examined by the doctor.

c) They gave the child a present.

d) The King is believed by the people to be very rich.

e) They ought to be invited by you.

f) A lot of damage has been caused by the tsunami.

14. V. REPHRASE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES:     1. I don’t have a car. I wish I ____________________. 2. I can’t play the piano. I wish I ____________________. 3. I didn’t have time to read a lot of books. I wish ________________________. 4. It never stops raining here. I wish it ________________________. 5. Please, stop talking. I wish you ______________________. 6. I regret selling my old car. I wish I _______________________. 7. It would be so nice to have a house in the mountains. I wish we _______________________. 8. “Bob, leave your sister alone!” Mother wishes that Bob ________________________. 9. Jenna can’t swim. Jenna wishes she _______________________. 10. If only John hadn’t lied to me. I wish John ________________________. Tolong di bantu ya kaa,terima kasih​



1. Saya tidak punya mobil. Saya berharap saya have acar

2. Saya tidak bisa bermain piano. Saya berharap saya can play piano

3. Saya tidak punya waktu untuk membaca banyak buku. Saya harap Ihave time to read a lot of books

4. Hujan tidak pernah berhenti di sini. Aku mengharapkannya rain stops

5. Tolong, berhenti bicara. Saya berharap Anda stop talking.

6. Saya menyesal menjual mobil lama saya. Saya berharap saya my car came back

7. Akan sangat menyenangkan memiliki rumah di pegunungan. Saya berharap kita have a house in the mountains

8. “Bob, tinggalkan adikmu sendiri!” Ibu berharap agar Bob leave his sister alone

9. Jenna tidak bisa berenang. Jenna berharap dia can swim

10. Andai saja John tidak membohongiku. Saya berharap John not lied

15. With reference to the given examples, work in a pair to rephrase the sentences and read aloud. (参考给定的示例, 成对工作以改写句子并大声朗读.)Note: Lihat soal pertanyaan dari gambar tersebut.Syarat untuk menjawab soal :● Dilarang jawaban berupa komentar spam atau asal²an.● Dilarang kupas jawaban dari google.● Jawabannya harus disertai dengan penjelasan yang masuk akal.​


a. 奶奶是不是给了妹妹五块钱?b. 新邻居是不是请我们去吃饭?c. 妹妹天天都搭地铁上学。d. 同学们个个都喜欢白老师。

Pembahasan :

Dalam membuat kalimat kita harus memerhatikan subjeknya terlebih dahulu. Di kalimat pertama dan kedua, kita diminta untuk menambahkan kata 是不是 setelah subjek. 是不是 artinya "apakah benar". Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa struktur kalimatnya yaitu :

S + 是不是 + Kalimat sisa

Contoh :


哥哥 adalah subjeknya

Di kalimat ketiga dan keempat, kita diminta untuk menambahkan kata ulang. Setelah kata 每 yang artinya setiap, kita tambahkan kata ulang.

Contoh :

我天天都很高兴 diambil dari

=> 我每天都很高兴

Jadi, setelah kata 没, 天天nya diulang.

Kalimat a :


=> 奶奶是不是给了妹妹五块钱?


Apakah benar nenek memberikan adik (perempuan) lima keling uang?

Kalimat b :


=> 新邻居是不是请我们去吃饭?


Apakah benar tetangga baru mengundang kita makan bersama?

Kalimat c :


=> 妹妹天天大地铁上学


Adik (perempuan) setiap hari pergi ke sekolah menggunakan kereta bawah tanah.

Kalimat d :


=> 同学们个个都喜欢白老师


Setiap murid semuanya sangat menyukai guru 白

Pelajari juga :Menerjemahkan beberapa kalimat ke bahasa mandarin => https://brainly.co.id/tugas/35140220Membuat kalimat dengan kata yang tersedia => https://brainly.co.id/tugas/34822023Bahasa Indonesia dari 我的成绩不错 => https://brainly.co.id/tugas/34971193


Detail jawaban :

Kelas : 10

Mapel : B. Mandarin

Materi : -

Kode kategorisasi : -

Kata kunci : Membuat kalimat dengan kata kunci dan parafrase yang tersedia

16. To put it simply, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the energy industry, particularly the hydrocarbon industry, has come to a strategic inflection point. How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? Explain your strategy in simplifying the conclusion.

The simplified conclusion based on sentence rephrasing is following:

As a conclusion, the hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point.

A simple way to simplify the sentence above is to highlight the main idea of the sentence. The main idea is simple: the hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point. Rewriting this main idea is writing a simplified conclusion.


Soal di atas memerintahkan kita agar menyederhanakan kalimat yang diberikan sehingga menjadi sebuah kesimpulan yang padat. Ada beberapa langkah yang bisa kita laksanakan:

1. Kita harus mengerti kalimat yang diajukan tersebut dengan cara menerjemahkan kalimat tersebut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sebagai pelajar kita harus selalu sedia kamus bahasa Inggris ketika belajar, sebab kita bukan native English sehingga kamus wajib kita miliki.

2. Setelah mengetahui arti kalimatnya lalu kita cari main idea atau ide utama dari kalimat tersebut. Ingat bahwa sebuah kalimat selalu mempunyai ide utama yang dituangkan ke dalam kata-kata. Sedangkan kata-kata lainnya hanyalah pendukung yang bisa kita hapus tanpa mengurangi ide utama.

3. Ide utama kalimat di atas adalah:

The hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point.

4. Maka dengan menuliskan ide utama tersebut kita telah mengambil intisari dari kalimat yang diberikan.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris  https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31849344Materi tentang memahami pertanyaan bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4919417Materi tentang memahami descriptive text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/39243894Detail Jawaban


Mapel: 5 Bahasa Inggris

Bab: -

Kode: -

#AyoBelajar #SPJ2

17. How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? explain your strategy in simplifying the conclusion

The simplified conclusion based on sentence rephrasing is following:

As a conclusion, the hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point.

A simple way to simplify the sentence above is to highlight the main idea of the sentence. The main idea is simple: the hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point. Rewriting this main idea is writing a simplified conclusion.


Soal di atas memerintahkan kita agar menyederhanakan kalimat yang diberikan sehingga menjadi sebuah kesimpulan yang padat.

Ada beberapa langkah yang bisa kita laksanakan:

1. Kita harus mengerti kalimat yang diajukan tersebut dengan cara menerjemahkan kalimat tersebut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sebagai pelajar kita harus selalu sedia kamus bahasa Inggris ketika belajar, sebab kita bukan native English sehingga kamus wajib kita miliki.

2. Setelah mengetahui arti kalimatnya lalu kita cari main idea atau ide utama dari kalimat tersebut. Ingat bahwa sebuah kalimat selalu mempunyai ide utama yang dituangkan ke dalam kata-kata. Sedangkan kata-kata lainnya hanyalah pendukung yang bisa kita hapus tanpa mengurangi ide utama.

3. Ide utama kalimat di atas adalah:

The hydrocarbon industry has come to a strategic turning point.

4. Maka dengan menuliskan ide utama tersebut kita telah mengambil intisari dari kalimat yang diberikan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris  brainly.co.id/tugas/31849344

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

18. B. rephrase the following sentences with the given beginning!1. you won't get fired unless you do something foolish.if you2. if you stop eating so many cakes, you'll get slimmer.you won't3. if you don't miss the bus, you'll get there in time.provided4. if you're careful, you will not have a car accident.so5. i can't help you unless you tell me what the problem is.i'd6. i think you are wrong not to trust him.if i​


B. ulangi kalimat berikut dengan awal yang diberikan!

1. Anda tidak akan dipecat kecuali Anda melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh.

jika kamu

2. jika Anda berhenti makan begitu banyak kue, Anda akan menjadi lebih langsing.

kamu tidak akan

3. jika Anda tidak ketinggalan bus, Anda akan tiba tepat waktu.


4. jika Anda berhati-hati, Anda tidak akan mengalami kecelakaan mobil.


5. Saya tidak dapat membantu Anda kecuali Anda memberi tahu saya apa masalahnya.


6. Saya pikir Anda salah untuk tidak percaya padanya.

jika saya

19. Exercise 2Rephrase the following sentences using to like...better than.. or prefer.to.1. He prefers watching TV to going to the movie.2. My mother likes trousers better than skirts.3. Andi preferred Charade to Forsa.4. John likes to read magazine better than to listen to the news.5. Does James prefer reading novels to watching video?6. Does Mary like John better than Robert?7. Mom doesn't prefer hot-dogs to pizza.8. Juan used to like pineapples better than lychee juice.9. Tracy and Trudy prefer soccer to volley ball.10.1 liked being here better than there.​

1. He prefers watching TV betterthangoing to the movie

2. My mother prefers trousers better than skirts

3. Andi preferred Charade better than Forsa

4. John prefers to read magazine better than to listen the news

5. Does James prefer reading novel betterthanwatching video

6. Does Mary preferJohn better than Robert?

7. Mom doesn't preferhot-dogs betterthanpizza

8. Juan used prefer pineapple better than lychee juice

9. Tracy and Trudy prefers soccer betterthanvolleyball

10. I Prefered being here than there

maaf telat jawab

20. B. Rephrase the sentences below using must or should. 1. Don't play with fire!2. I suggest going to bed earlier. 3. She is probably tired. 4. It will probably be sunny tomorrow. 5. Don't go to the dark room alone.help juseyo​

1. you shouldn't play with fire!
2. i must going to bed earlier
3. she must be tired
4. it must be sunny tomorrow
5. you shouldn't go to the dark room alone!

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