Kamis, 16 Juni 2022

Match The Question To The Answers

Match The Question To The Answers

match the question with the answers!​

1. match the question with the answers!​


semoga membantu :D













A - 9

B - 4

C - 6

D - 10

E - 2

F - 5

G - 3

H - 1

I - 8

J - 7


2. match the riddles with the answers

9. h
3. a
1. c

beri jawaban terbaik ya1 -> G
2 -> J
3 -> I
4 -> C
5 -> E
6 -> F
7 -> B
8 -> A
9 -> H
10 -> D

3. match the riddles with the answers


1. Apa yang pertama kali kamu lakukan saat merebahkan diri ke dalam bak mandi yang penuh dengan air? (G. Get Wet = basah)

2. Semua orang telah melihatnya namun tidak akan pernah melihatnya lagi. (J. Yesterday = kemarin)

3. Ini berasap sangat banyak namun tidak pernah membeli sebuah rokok. (A. Chimney = cerobong asap)

4. Tugasnya adalah menjadi basah. (C. A towel = sebuah handuk)

5. Kamu tidak dapat belajar untuk tes ini. (E. A Blood Test = tes darah)

6. Terdapat berapa sisikah sebuah bola? (F. Two (inside and outside) = dua (sisi dalam dan sisi luar))

7. Apa yang diambil sebelum kamu mendapatkannya? (B. A Photograph = sebuah foto)

8. Apa hal yang paling tidak berguna pada kantongmu? (I. A Hole = sebuah lubang)

9. Saat kamu memecahkannya, ini masih berguna. (H. An Egg = sebuah telur)

10. Pria yang mana yang menggunakan topi yang paling besar? (D. The man with the biggest head = pria dengan kepala yang terbesar)


A riddle adalah sebuah teka-teki yang bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembacanya. Benda atau peristiwa yang menjadi jawaban dari teka-teki tersebut biasanya adalah hal yang sangat sederhana dan terdapat di sekitar kita, sehingga sering kali tidak terpikirkan bahwa itulah jawabannya.


It has two hands. They are pointing the numbers. (Ini punya dua tangan. Mereka menunjuk angka-angka) = Clockwise (jarum jam)

Jam adalah hal yang umum berada di sekitar kita.

Kalimat yang menyatakan petunjuk (clues) dapat berputar-putar atau tidak langsung pada intinya, agar pembaca dibuat larut dalam kebingungan dalam menerka jawaban yang dimaksud, sehingga tujuan dari riddles tercapai, yaitu untuk menghibur para pembacanya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Contoh riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10314005

2. Perbedaan riddle dan proverb brainly.co.id/tugas/6095216

3. Contoh soal riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10035777


Detail jawaban:

Kelas: VII SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Describing objects, people and places

Kode: 7.5.7


4. He answers the question.......... ( correct)


5. He answers the question....... (correct)


6. Write am,is or are to make question in A.then match question to the answers in B.the first one has been done for you


1. is , G

2. am , H

3. are , D

4. is , C

5. is , J

6. is , K

7. are , B

8. are , E

9. is , F

10. is , A

11. are , I


Jadi Kata "Am" Lebih Menenjukan  ke Diri Kita Sendiri

Kata "Is" Lebih Menunjukan ke Sebuah objek yang Tidak lebih dari 1 (No S)

Kara "Are" Lebih Menunjukan ke Banyak Objek (With S)

Supaya Membantu, Hope this help

7. Match the statements on the left side with the answers on the right side correctly


Bahasa Indonesia nya


cocokkan pertanyaan disisi kiri dengan jawaban disisi kanan dengan benar

maaf kalo salah

8. Match the questions below with the appropriate answers!

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. G

5. F

6. A

7. H

8. E

9. J

10. I

11. M

12. N

13. L

14. O

15. K

smoga benar dan membantu terimakasih

9. Write The Question Fot The Answers Given​

1. How old is your sister?
2. Who's keys is this?
3. Is he skinny?
4. What is the color of your eyes?

1. Where is your sister?

2. Whose keys are those?

3. Is he chubby?

4. What color is your eyes?

10. Match the question in the table with their suitable answers.The question and answers form a sequential dialog about the object in the picture... Tolong bantu jawab kaamakasih​




maaf yaa kalau salah

11. He answers the question....... (correct)

He answers the question correctly
(Dia menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan benar)

=> CORRECTLY = Adverb/kata keterangan.


12. apa arti Read the di alog to answers the question s​

Bacalah dialog untuk menjawab pertanyaan


baca dialog untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut


*dialog = percakapan antara 2 atau 3 orang lebih sebagai fitur dari buku, drama, atau film.

13. match the question with the replies​


1. c

2. g

3. e

4. a

5. b

6. d

7. f

yang nomor 1 sama 7 masih kurang yakin tapi yang lain udh yakin

14. Product refinement answers the question: how will the work needed to deliver the increment be achieved.


location to the house or smthing that the deliver go


idk man

15. task 10 match the questions with the answers


1. Why should I consider you for the position?

I am skilled at communicating with diverse people across all platforms - phone, email, and in person

2. What extracurricular activities were you involved in?

I love sports. I joined the school football club and played as a striker. We were a good team.

3. What would you consider your strengths?

I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes.

4. What is your biggest weakness?


5. So could you tell me why you are interested in changing positions?

Unfortunately, our company is shutting down due to the economy.

6. Tell me what you do in your spare time.


7. Why do you want the job?

I want the retail job at store because I know I would be terrific at it. I love engaging with people and providing them with assistance.

8. What are your goal for

My plan is to work full-time in a long term care environment or hospital for the next few years.


Do you work well with other people?

I am a patient listener and clear communications which is essential to being a sales representatives.

Untuk soal nomor 4 dan 6, saya tidak menemukan jawabannya

Pelajari lebih lanjut pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan nomor 1 pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24866727


16. Read the answers question dubai

Baca dan jawab pertanyaan How am I supposed to read the answer tho??

17. Please help me to answers the question​


1. C

2. B

3. A


semoga membantu

18. 4. Match the questions with the answers. ​


Ini Saya Menjawabnya Sesuai Huruf Ya... Berurutan Dari A-J Jadi Nomor Sesuai Hurufnya Tidak Berurutan. Kalau Mau Sesuai Nomor Dari 1-10 Silahkan Diatur Saja. Terima Kasih~

9. [A] How Are You Today?

I'm Fine, Thank You. And You?

4. [B]Did You Have Any Trouble Finding Us?

No, The Office Isn't Too Difficult To Find.

6. [C]Isn't This Great Weather We're Having?

Yes, It's Wonderful. I Love This Time Of Year.

10. [D]Tell Me About Yourself.

I've Just Graduated From Erlangga Vocational School. Every Sunday When I Was A Student, I Worked As A Mechanic Assistant For A Small Garage To Help Pay For My Education.

2. [E]What Type Of Position Are You Looking For?

I'm Interested In An Entry-Level Position.

5. [F]Are You Interested In A Full-Time Position. However, I Would Also Consider A Part-Time Position.

1. [G]Can You Tell Me About Your Responsibilities At Your Last Job?

I Work Well Under Pressure. When There Is A Deadline, I Can Focus On The Task At Hand And Structure My Work Schedule Well.

3. [H]What Is Your Greatest Strength?

I Collected Payments From Customers In A Fast Food Restaurant.

8. [I]What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

I Tend To Spend Too Much Time Making Sure The Customer Is Satisfied.

7. [J]When Can You Begin?

As Soon As You Would Like Me To Begin.


Semoga Membantu

19. match each statement on the left column with the statement on the right column.for question no.22 27.match each expression to the suitable response!​



cocokkan setiap pernyataan di kolom kiri dengan pernyataan di kolom kanan. untuk pertanyaan no. 22 27. cocokkan setiap ekspresi dengan jawaban yang sesuai!



20. Choose and croos (x) the correct answers! The following the is for question 1 to 5


1. b. to join a cooking competition

2. a. preparing for the competition

3. a. she left the rice

4. d. upset

5. c. to describe past events that happened to rina


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C

Sorry kalau salah

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