Senin, 04 Juli 2022

Choose The Correct Alternative In Each Of These Sentences

Choose The Correct Alternative In Each Of These Sentences

Find and correct the mistakes in each of these sentences

1. Find and correct the mistakes in each of these sentences


1. More Easily

2. a

3. cleaner and safer

4. take out most and leave it like that

5. Worst

6. better


4. without most it already makes sense

5. There is no such thing as worser

6. take out more and well cos it just doesn't make sense

I deeply apologies if it is wrong U^U

2. choose the correct form of the noun in each sentence

1. children
2. men, woman
3. Babies
4. Potatoes
5. watches
6. memo
7. mice
8. buses

3. correct the error in each of the sentences. tolong

4.Jarwo hasn't seen Dina since she graduated
5. Mr. Iyan has already left the office.
6.We haven't been aboard since last year.
7.The class started ten munites ago.
8.Has she just left?

Mohon dibenarkan jika ada kesalahan...

4.Jarwo hasn't seen Dina since she graduated

Alasan : You dont need has because you already have "HAS" at the beginning of the sentence.

5.Mr.Iyan has already left the office.

Alasan : Simple Perfect Tense must be start with have/has so it can be targeted with verb 3

6.We haven't been abroad FOR a year.

Alasan : Since tidak cocok karena dalam kalimatnya mereka belum pernah ke luar negeri SELAMA satu tahun

7.The class started ten minutes ago.

Alasan: karena Tense ini adalah Simple Past Tense.Ten Minutes Ago sudah berarti lampau jadi tidak menggunakan Simple Present perfect

8.Has she just left?

Alasan : Karena Simple Past Tense tidak cocok untuk menggunakan "JUST"

4. complete these sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form

1. The situation is serious. Something must ______ before it's too late.

2. I haven't received the letter. It might ______ to the wrong address.

3. A decision will not ______ until the next meeting.

4. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to ______ at 6.30 the next morning.

5. Do you think that less money should ______ on armaments ?


1. The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late.
2. I haven't received the letter. It might have been sent to the wrong address.
3. A decision will not be made until the next meeting.
4. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to be woken up at 6.30 the next morning.
5. Do you think that less money should be spent on armaments ?

jika puas ,jadikan yang terbaik yaa :) makasih

5. Read the sentences correctly then choose the correct form of adjective​

Read the sentences correctly then choose the correct form of adjective​

JAWABAN : Bacalah kalimat dengan benar, lalu pilih bentuk kata sifat yang benar

6. Choose the correct adjectives to complete these sentences


1. quiet











yang lainya saya tidak tau


1. quiet

2. higher

3. fragrant

4. frightened

5. comfortable

6. embarrassing

7. good

8. sad

9. excited

10. depressed


maaf kalau salah ya:(

7. Read the sentences correctly then choose the Correct form of adjective

1. Correctly, correct.
2. Carefully, careful.
3. Loudly, loud.
4. Dangerous, dangerously.
5. Quickly, quick.
6. Slowly, slow.
7. Difficult, difficulty.
8. Reasonable, reasonably.
9. Magnificently, magnificent.
10. Beautiful, exactly, perfect.
11. Awfully.
12. Well, good.
14. Regularly, strict.
13. Exactly, perfect, exactly.
15. Interesting, interestingly.

*best solution yah hehe cape lmao xD

8. Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets


sentences nya mana kak?

9. What the missing verb in each of these sentences?


Lihat lampiran ya



1. enlighten : menjelaskan, membuat seseorang mengerti. KArena kalimatnya dalam bentuk past, maka pakai verb 2 => enlightened.

2. complain: komplain, mengeluh, protes

3. apologize: minta maaf

4. warn: memperingatkan

5. persuade: membujuk/meyakinkan

6. insist: memaksa (untuk sesuatu)

7. do: melakukan

8. blame: menyalahkan

9. know: tahu, mengetahui

10. discuss: mendiskusikan

Semoga bermanfaat

10. identify the subject and choose an appropriate verb in each of these sentencesmohon bantuannya dari no5-10

5. A questionnaire comprising three pages are completed by all participants.
8. Your report to the the directors are discussed at yesterday's meeting

maaf ya kalau salah

11. Choose the correct option to complete these sentences.​

1. sea

2. river

3. island

4. mountains

1. Sea

2. River

3. Island

4. Deserts

12. choose the correct pronours to complete these sentences below!l​



1. we

2. his

3. mine

4. her

5. their

6. her

7. her

8. me

9. her



1. me


3. her

4. its

5. she

Penjelasan: yang kosong karena kurang tahu, bintang 5 ya hehe

13. correct the mistakes in these sentences!​

1. Sissy IS taking care OF her sister because her mother is working.
2. IS Rinni sweeping the floor?
3. Is Linda STUDYING mathematics now?
4. Willy is TAKING a bath.

7. Sissy is taking care of her sister because her mother is working.

8. Is Rinni sweeping the floor?

9. Is Linda studying mathematics now?

10. Willy is taking a bath.

note: pokoknya kalau ada is, am, are itu pake V-ing.

semoga membantu!

14. Choose the correct pronouns in brackets, to complete the sentences.​


1. (Me), (She)

2. (Me), (I)

3. (He), (They)

4. (He), (He)

5. (We), (It)


Semoga membantu! :-)


1. ( me ) & ( she )

2. ( me ) & ( I )

3. ( he ) & ( them )

4. ( he ) & ( he )

5. ( I ) & ( it )


Maaf kalau ada yang salah ya

Semoga membantu ´・ᴗ・`

15. apa arti dari write the correct form of the ferb in each sentences . use present perfect tense​

tulislah bentuk kata depan yang benar di setiap kalimat. gunakan present perfect tense!


tulislah bentuk kata depan yang benar disetiap kalimat.gunakan sajian sempurna/tegang

16. correct the mistakes in these sentences!​

1. the radio is not working.

2. I'm eating the banana too much.

3. he is counting the stars on the sky.

4. what are you watching?

5. I'm not talking about your performance.

6. We are jogging to spend our quality time.

semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah :)

17. Choose the correct option to complete these sentences.​

1. Sea
2. River
3. Forest
4. Mountain

Maaf kalau salah ASHHHIAAAAP

18. choose the correct pronours to complete these sentences below!l​


Sorry but where is the sentence ?

19. choose the appropriate word in these sentences artinya​


pilih kata yang sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut

20. Correct the pronouns in these sentences.​




org=whosama dgn 1bukan org=whichkepunyaan=whosesama dgn 4sama dgn 3


1. who / that

2. who / that

3. which

4. whose

5. whose

6. which


Jawaban sudah dikoreksi menggunakan Relative Pronouns yang sesuai.

1. karena kalimat berbicara tentang seseorang, jadi pakai who/that

2. karena kalimat berbicara tentang seseorang, jadi pakai who/that

3. karena kalimat berbicara tentang sesuatu (perusahaan), jadi pakai which

4. karena kalimat berbicara tentang kepemilikan, jadi pakai whose

5. karena kalimat berbicara tentang kepemilikan, jadi pakai whose

6. karena kalimat berbicara tentang sesuatu (toko), jadi pakai which

Semoga membantu ya.

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