economy, economic (2), economist (2), economical(2), economically, economics, economize I study technical engineering because I don’t like ….
1. economy, economic (2), economist (2), economical(2), economically, economics, economize I study technical engineering because I don’t like ….
jawabannya economics ya
2. Jelaskan pengertian/perbedaan dari economics, economic, economist, economical,economically, dan economy dan buatlah contoh kalimatnyaa
1. Economics
Part of speech: Noun
Definisi: Economics adalah suatu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan finansial dan keuangan.
Contoh kalimat: She studies in the department of economics at Oxford University. (trans: dia belajar di jurusan ekonomi di universitas oxford)
2. Economic
Part of speech: Adjective
Definisi: Economic berarti ekonomis atau memiliki makna berhubungan dengan ekonomi.
Contoh kalimat: The government has set a new economic policy (Trans: pemerintah telah menetapkan sebuah kebijakan ekonomi baru)
3. Economist
Part of speech: Noun
Definisi: Economist adalah sebuah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut seseorang yang ahli dalam ilmu ekonomi
Contoh kalimat: Mr. George is an economist (Trans: Pak george adalah seorang ekonom)
4. Economical
Part of speech: Adjective
Definisi: Economical berarti ekonomis. Perbedaan antara economic dan economical adalah economic digunakan apabila berhubungan dengan ekonomi suatu negara atau masyarakat sedangkan economical digunakan apabila berhubungan dengan penggunaan uang atau sumber daya.
Contoh kalimat: ABC company launches an economical packaging for it's new product (Trans: perusahaan abc meluncurkan kemasan ekonomis untuk produk barunya)
5. Economically
Part of speech: Adverb
Definisi: Economically berarti secara ekonomi
Contoh kalimat: Tommy is economically independent of his parents (Trans: Tommy secara ekonomi tidak bergantung pada orang tuanya)
6. Economy
Part of speech: noun
Definisi: Economi berarti perekonomian.
Contoh kalimat: There is an improvement in the economy of the country (trans: terdapat peningkatan pada perekonomian negara)
Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu.
Detil tambahan:
Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: bahasa inggris
Kategori: Vocabulary
3. 14.A collectivist'scentralizes power and often becomebureaucratic and inefficient. *Mark only one oval.A. EconomyB. EconomicalC. EconomicD EconomicsE Economist
a. economy
Jawab:A. Economy
penjelasan:4. 1. Based on the parts of speech, how do these words differ from one to another? a. Economic d. economical b. Economy e. economically c. Economics 2. How much do you know about 'economics'? 3. What do you know about economic impacts? 4. What do you know about economic impact analysis?
1. C. Economics
2. ....
3. weakening household consumption or weakening public purchasing power at large.
maaf ya, jadi no 2 itu tanya seberapa banyak kamu tahu tentang ekonomi, nah kayanya harus dijawab sendiri ya!!
no 4 aku kurang yakin, ini nanya apa yang kamu ketahui tentang analisa dampak ekonomi?
5. Paul samuelson was the first American to win the Nobel prize in A. Economy B. Economic C. Economical D. Economics
Jawaban: A. Economy
Maaf kalo salah ya
A Economysemoga membantuu
6. Paul samuelson was the first American to win the Nobel prize in A. Economy B. Economic C. Economical D. Economics Jika kita memilih jawabannya D apa alasan nya
Jawabannya D. Economics
Penjelasan :
Economy berarti perekonomian negara
Economic berarti ekonomis
Economical berarti perekonomian uang
Economics berarti cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan keuangan
| Semoga membantu |
7. Paul samuelson was the first American to win the Nobel prize in A. Economy B. Economic C. Economical D. Economics Jika kita memilih jawabannya D apa alasan nya
Jawabannya D. Economics
Penjelasannya :
Economy berarti perekonomian negara
Economic berarti ekonomis
Economical berarti perekonomian uang
Economics berarti cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan keuangan
| Semoga membantu |
8. compleate economic freedom could lead to economicf anarchy
kebebasan ekonomi penuh dapat menyebabkan anarki ekonomi
9. 12.Many of the ideas that people fight over have -.......... at theircore.Mark only one oval.A. EconomyB. Economical00000C. EconomicD. EconomicsE. Economist
Semoga membantu!!
10. 15.There's an increasing demand for small cars which are morefuel. *Mark only one oval.A. EconomyB. EconomicalC. EconomicD. EconomicsE. Economist
b economical
11. With slow ... growth around the world, investors are searching for startup companies that might give a good return on their investment. (A) economy (B) economic (C) economist (D) economical
B. Economic.
Semoga membantu :)
12. street children are those who do not go to school because of ....... factor a. economic b. economics c. economize d. economy
insa allah jawaban a. economic Answer =
a. Economic
13. With slow .................... growth around the world, investors are searching for startup companies that might give a good return on their investment. (A) economy (B) economic (C) economist (D) economical
With slow economic growth around the world, investors are searching for startup companies that might give a good return on their investment.
(B) economic
Kata yang tepat haruslah kata sifat/adjective karena langsung dilanjutkan dengan noun growth (pertumbuhan)
economic growth (pertumbuhan ekonomi)
economic (adjective) artinya: berkaitan dengan situasi/kondisi ekonomi
D.economical juga adjective tapi artinya hemat, irit, jadi bukan itu yang diminta.
Semoga bermanfaat
14. 15. In this campus, Qur'anic exegesis is than natural sciences * a. importanter b. more important c. the most important d. the more imporatant
B. More important
Menggunakan comparative adjective karena membandingkan dua noun, yaitu Qur'anic exegesis dan natural science. Tidak perlu 'the' karena 'the' digunakan pada pola superlative adjective
15. What is the comparative form of important? a. importanter b. more important c. more importanter d. importaner
more important
3 suku kata biasanya more. kalo kurang pake -er
b. more important
important memakai "more" untuk perbandingan, dan jika sudah ada "more" tidak perlu ditambahkan "-er" lagi
16. 13.A devaluation is not always the best solution to a country'sproblems.*Mark only one oval.A. EconomyB. EconomicalC EconomicD. EconomicsE Economist
c economic
17. 16.Adam Smith, who wrote The Wealth of Nation, was perhaps the first great 5modernPATMark only oneoval.A. EconomyB. Economicalc. EconomicD. EconomicsEl Economist
e economist
18. contoh kalimat menggunakan kata economic - economy - economist - economics dalam bahasa inggris
economy on indonesia is better than usa*
*(cobntoh aja tidak ada maksud contoh kalimat diatas hanyalah kalimat fiktif)
19. What is differences - economic - economy - economical
Economic is all about how money works, but something economical is a good deal. You might take an economic studiesclass to understand the ebb and flow of cash in the world, but if you buy a used textbook for it, you're being economical. If you want an adjective related to the economy, economic is your word
20. Ajaran manusia sebagai HOMO ECONOMICUS terdapat dalam buku yang berjudul....a Tableau Economisb The Great of Nationc The Wealth of Nationd The Priciple of Economics
c. the wealth of nation ajaran manusia sebagai HOMO ECONOMICUS terdapat dalam buku the wealth of nation
jawabanya:c.the wealth of nation
semoga bermanfaat ^---^