Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022

Prezentul Perfect Simplu In Engleza Exercitii

Prezentul Perfect Simplu In Engleza Exercitii

scrie in engleza. EU am o masa in gr adina

Daftar Isi

1. scrie in engleza. EU am o masa in gr adina

I have a table in the garden Adina.

2. o compunere in engleza cu 8 verbe la trecut(past simple)

 itu kan pekerjaan rumah (PR) atau tugas dari sekolah yang sulit dikerjakan.

3. apa past perfect turn in?​


Turned in


past perfect menggunakan verb 3 form dalam kalimat predikat nya. jadi verb 3 dari turn in adalah turned in

semoga membantuu :)


Turned in


4. What is perfect square in maths?​

[tex]{\underline{\boxed{ \purple{ \maltese \: {\textsf{\textbf{\purple{Jawaban}}}}}}}} [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A perfect square is a number, from a given number system, that can be expressed as the square of a number from the same number system.

For Eg:

25 is the Perfect Square as 5² = 2516 is Also Perfect Square as 4² = 16


Hope you Understood :)

I Sarang you ❤️ :big_heart: :pout: -3-

5. PERFECT TENSE.….. the train ….. in ? (come) ​


the train come in


6. 1. Apa kata "sudah/ telah" dalam present perfect? 2. Apa kata "sudah/ telah" dalam Past Perfect? 3. Mention adverb of time in Present Perfect? 4. Mention adveb of time in Past perfect? 5. Make a sentence in active voice and change into passive voice for Present Perfect and Past Perfect! ( buatlah kalimat dalam active voice dan rubah menjadi passive voice dari kalimat Present Perfect dan PastPerfect) A. Present Perfect Active: ........... Passive: .......... B. Past Perfect Active : ......... Pasdive: ........


1. have/has

2. had / had been

3. for, since

4. Present perfect :

active : I have eaten ice cream before

passive : Ice cream has been eaten by me before


active : I had eaten noodle before she came

passive : Before she came, noodle had been eaten by me

7. Write an example of present perfect and present perfect continuous in passage!



I have washed my hand

I have been doing my homework all night

8. kasih contoh sentences in the simple past tense .present perfect tense.and perfect tense

simple past: Rudi visited his mother yesterday morning.simple present: The sun sets in the west.
present perfect: I have tried to remain him twice, but he did not listen.


Simple Past
=> He bought some novels yesterday
=> Elsa cried in her room last night

Present Perpect Tense
=> I have waited for you here since 1999
=> She has gone ro Bali for two weeks.

Past Perpect Tense
=> I had gone to your house to ask for certainly
=> They had written some letters to their mother.


9. The weather in California (be) Perfect


The weather in California is perfect


to be (present tense) :

is (he, she, it)  am( I)are (you)

Dalam konteks soal, "the weather in California" dikategorikan sebagai "it" maka jawabannya adalah "is"

10. Past perfect tense dari " I am in Jakarta"??

I have been in JakartaRumusnya Past Perfect Tense
= S+had+V3
= I Had gone to Jakarta

11. information questions in the present perfect​


2. where you travel to?

3. how many people she invite?

4. who to be china?

5. why the book you choose?

6. Larry how long live there?

7. what you for lunch prepare?

8.how much money you spend this?


semoga bermanfaat

sorry if something goes wrong

12. figure of speech in perfect song ​

kiasan dalam lagu yang sempurna

13. she is perfect in everyway contoh dari majas apa?


hiperbola? maaf klo salah

14. questions in present perfect ....where/ travel / to ?​


Where has she travelled recently?


Sudah pergi kemana ibu itu akhir akhir ini?


Present Perfect:

We/They/You+ have past participle+ O

He/She/It + has past participle+O

to be = been (bila kalimat tdk ada kt kerjanya)

Past participle: kata kerja 3

Go went (gone)

Negative setelah "have" atau 'has' tambah NOT


Have/Has ditaruh di dpn kalimat.

15. contoh dari present perfect tense in passive voice

The meeting has been cancelled today

16. Write 3 sentences in present perfect tense


1. I have tried udon

2. you haven't eat breakfast

3. she hasn't ride rollercoaster

17. Simplu Question Dimana letak kerajaan Sriwijaya dan sebutkan dasar atau bukti sari perkataan anda

Di Sumatera pada abad ke-7.
Dibuktikan dengan adanya pendeta Tiongkok, I Tsing, menulis bahwa ia mengunjungi Sriwijaya tahun 671 dan tinggal selama 6 bulan. Prasasti yang paling tua mengenai Sriwijaya juga berada pada abad ke-7, yaitu prasasti Kedukan Bukit di Palembang, bertarikh 682. 

Trims. Semoga membantu

18. 1. Apa kata “sudah/ telah” dalam present perfect? 2. Apa kata “sudah/ telah” dalam Past Perfect? 3. Mention adverb of time in Present Perfect? 4. Mention adveb of time in Past perfect? 5. Make a sentence in active voice and change into passive voice for Present Perfect and Past Perfect! ( buatlah kalimat dalam active voice dan rubah menjadi passive voice dari kalimat Present Perfect dan PastPerfect) A. Present Perfect Active: ........... Passive: .......... B. Past Perfect Active : ......... Pasdive: ........


1. have = sudah

2. had = sudah

3. already, just, still, yet

4. until, already... by, before, after, just


A. Present Perfect

Active: She has already bought some vegetables

Passive: Some vegetables have already been bought by her

B. Past Perfect

Active : He had already done his homework before I came

Passive : His homework had already been done before I came

19. buat kalimat perfect tens dari i/be/in room​


I have been in room

Semoga Membantu :v

20. Write in the prrsent perfect tense​


1. gambarnya gak keliatan

2.Mr. Sadinu going to the rice field

3.They Harvesting their crop

4.Pedro seeing the rice field

5.The children playing in the village

1) planted
2) mr. Sadinu gone to the rice field
3) they harvested their crop
4) pedro seen the rice field
5) the children played in the village

kalo present perfect tense itu pake Verb 3 atoga yang di tambahin -ed

maaf kalo ada yang salah

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