Minggu, 28 Agustus 2022

Sfarsitul Clasei A 8 A

Sfarsitul Clasei A 8 A

apa arti dari clase​

Daftar Isi

1. apa arti dari clase​

arti dari clase adalah.


clase 1 : kelas 1

Jawaban: clase artinya kelas

2. 4. Langkah yang tepat untuk mencetup Lambar kerja yangmasih aktik Pada Microsoft Excel-...a. Office Button - claseb. office Button - Exitc. File - clased.file-exsit e.klik tanda close (x)​





3. plase-clase-you-the-undow-who​




semoga membantu;)

maaf kalo salah;)

4. CONTOHNYA MENUTUP PINTU DITULIS : CLASE THE DOORDIBACA : KLUES DEDOR1. bolehkah saya menggantikan beliau ditulis : dibaca :2. bolehkah saya bertanya kepada beliau ditulis : dibaca : 3. bolehkah saya buka game sheld saya ditulis : dibaca : 4. boleh ya.... saya pakai masker kain ditulis : dibaca:​


1. tulis : can i replace him

baca : ken i riplase him

2. tulis : may i ask him

baca : may i aks him

3. gk jls itu apan

4. tulis : can i wear a cloth mask

baca : ken i wer a keloth mesk

5. 3 what do you say if your clase make get the high Score Forengglist test​


Congratulations. I'm happy heard that.

6. 1.- Julio (arrive) home(am) home very early yesterday. Hecarly yesterday. He (be) hop2. -They __..---- (want) to celebrate a party but it -- (be) too late3.-George and Tom (write) some postcards from London4.-William and his sister (watch) a good French film on TV5.- Hemneh ___ (clase) the window because she (feel a bit cold6. - Thomas monbuy) some chocolate for her sons7. The footballer (kick) the ball and the trainer (applaud)6.-The man .. (stop) his car because the traffic light .. (be) red9.- Two policemen (search) the house in the neighbourhood10.- My hairdresser(close) the shop and (drive home17. - We(enjoy) a lot at the rock concert11.- None (sing) two beautiful songs at the school12. - My music teacher (play) the violin and the guitar13. - Freddy (become) a famous writer three years ago14.-The actor(receive) two Oscars in 2010​


1. Julio arrived home very early yesterday. He was happy.

2. They wanted to celebrate a party but it was too late.

3. George and Tom wrote some postcards from London.

4. William and his sister watched a good French film on TV.

5. Hannah closed the window because she felt a bit cold.

6. Thomas' mom bought some chocolate for her sons.

7. The footballer kicked the ball and the trainer applauded.

8. The man stopped his car because the traffic light was red.

9. Two policemen searched the house in the neighbourhood.

10. My hairdresser closed the shop and drove home.

17. We enjoyed a lot at the rock concert.

11. Nora sang two beautiful songs at the school.

12. My music teacher played the violin and the guitar.

13. Freddy became a famous writer three years ago.

14. The actor received two Oscars in 2010.


15. Kate and Anne got married at the Cathedral yesterday.

16. Mr Carter smoked a cigar after lunch.

17. Emily washed the blouse and then she ironed it.

Kalimat-kalimat di atas menggunakan simple past tense.

Rumus simple past tense adalah

(+) Subject + verb 2.

(-) Subject + didn't + verb 1.

(?) Did + subject + verb 1?

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai nominal simple past tense pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/38019210


7. apa arti does wayan have dancing clase at schoo tuday​


apakah wayne memiliki kelas menari di sekolah hari ini


itu artinya

8. Necesito saber de las 7 cuales son híperbole metáfora , Anafora y simil Es de la clase de español


es una metáfora continuada, en que cada una de las metáforas está en relación con la anterior y con las siguientes. ALITERACIÓN: repetición de sonidos para conseguir un efecto determinado. ANÁFORA: repetición de una o diversas palabras al comienzo de una serie de oraciones o versos para enfatizarla.

9. se the examples in pairs practice the following dialog. Then complete the tables with suitable information from the dialog Share your work with the clase Vina Alfian, do you keep pets? Alfian I do. There are two couples of doves, several lovebirds, and a cat via Wow, you keep many animals . alfan: Not me. The birds are my parents. They breed the birds and then sell them Vina I see. Do they keep the birds in cages? Vina Alfian: Yes Vina How about the cat? Alfian: The cat is free to roam the house. Vina: Which of them do you love the most? Alfian : It's the cat. It is playful and loves to run around. Vina : Does the cat sleep with you? Alfian : No. It sleeps in the living room Vina : I see. What color is it? Alfian : Almost all of its fur is black. Only the tip of its tail is brown Vina It must be very cute. Alfian: It istolong jadikan bahasa Indonesia besok dikumpulkan​


Jadi contoh secara berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog berikut. Kemudian lengkapi tabel dengan informasi yang sesuai dari dialog Bagikan pekerjaan Anda dengan kelas Vina Alfian, apakah Anda memelihara hewan peliharaan? Alfian aku. Ada dua pasangan merpati, beberapa sejoli, dan seekor kucing melalui Wow, Anda memelihara banyak hewan . alfan: bukan aku. Burung-burung itu adalah orang tua saya. Mereka membiakkan burung-burung itu dan kemudian menjualnya Vina. Apakah mereka memelihara burung di dalam sangkar? Vina Alfian : Iya Vina Bagaimana dengan kucingnya? Alfian: Kucing itu bebas berkeliaran di rumah. Vina: Manakah dari mereka yang paling kamu cintai? Alfian : Itu kucingnya. Ini menyenangkan dan suka berlarian. Vina : Apakah kucing itu tidur denganmu? Alfian : Tidak. Dia tidur di ruang tamu Vina : Begitu. Warna apa ini? Alfian : Hampir semua bulunya berwarna hitam. Hanya ujung ekornya saja yang berwarna coklat Vina Pasti sangat imut. Alfian: Itulah dia

10. Dayu lina and siti english to clase they welk to school burthey always ge to school on time they harey take puhli. transpolt they look healthy and hapey all thetime


Dayu lina dan siti bahasa inggris ke kelas mereka pergi ke sekolah tetapi mereka selalu pergi ke sekolah tepat waktu mereka harus mengambil puhli. transpolt mereka terlihat sehat dan bahagia sepanjang waktu.

11. the teacher is new. the teacher doesnt wear uniform. relative clase

the teacher who doesn't wear uniform is new

12. Anna:open the window Anna told me,l,,, A dont'open the window B to clase the window C open the window D to open the window E open the window ,please.​


c.open the window


i hope this can help

13. #QuisBantuTeman#PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! CORRECT ANSWER ONLY PLEASE!!!Which of the following words is masculine?A. El libroB. La mochilaC. La claseD. La silla

the masculine word is

A.El libro

14. ut claseI have a tooth a chestop yawning1. DialogueG : Why are you late?M : Sorry sir, I must help my parent, new can to go school.G : Whatever your reasons, and you must know, all student must obey the schoolrulles.M: Yes sir, I'm sorry.: okay, I forgive. But you must in lawG​


Ujian Utama

Aku punya gigi jadi berhenti menguap

1. Dialog :

G:Mengapa kamu terlambat???

M:Maaf pak,saya harus membantu orang tua saya,baru bisa berangkat ke sklah

G: apapun alasan kamu, kamu harus tauu, semua siswa harus mematuhi aturan sklah

M: iya pak, Saya minta maaf

G: oke bapa maafkan. Tapi kamu tetap harus dihukum

15. What do you think of your clase friend?​

Best friend is someone like angle. she is very good for me, she's always there when I'm in trouble. she's always there for me.


My friend is good, I really like to play with him :)

16. C. Change the active sentences below into passive!1. The actors had performed the play by Shakespeare.2. A stone smashed the window.3. The boys pushed the tree over.4. James climbed the ladder.5. I will ask a lot of questions to the speaker.6. Dad set the table for dinner.7. I only eat some biscuits this morning.8. My cat has jumped over the fence.9. The students are reading a text in the clase. 10. I was watching a play at this time yesterday. ​


1. The play by shakesppeare had to be performed by the actors.

2. The window was smashed by a stone

3. The tree over was pushed by the boys

4. The ladder was climbed by james

5. The speaker will asked a lot of questions by me

6. The table for dinner is set by dad

7. Biscuit eaten by me this morning

8. The fence was jumped over by my cat

9. A text are read by the students in the class

10. A play is watch by me at this time

17. Apa perbedaan antara BCU( Big close up shot) dengan ECU ( Exteme clase up shot)​


Big close up (BCU) merupakan teknik pengambilan gambar wajah yang memenuhi layar penampilan gambar. Extreme close up (ECU) merupakan teknik pengambilan gambar yang terlihat sangat detail.


maap kalau salah

18. hello ahmad.how'is life.it's been so long i didn't write to you.i'm now at the tenth grade of high school.and i get a new clase friend.he just moved next to my house we are living.he is ghe best friend of mine at school.my best friend is ernesto and he is my classmate.we go to school pincipal and his mother is also a teacher.hi is punctual well-educated and has good manners.he is really hard working.he always does his homework.he is also well-drssed and will-behaved.all teachers have a high opinion of him.ernesto has a will-built body.he is gentle but fearless.he takes part in asport,scout,trekking and muntaineering activities.he has a good heart.Questions.1.how is ernesto parents?2.what are their occupations?3.what does ernesto look like?4.what is ernesto like?5.true of false:ernesto always good clothes​




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