Rabu, 07 September 2022

Write Sentences With Used To And The Prompts

Write Sentences With Used To And The Prompts

write 5 sentences with used in order to and to​

Daftar Isi

1. write 5 sentences with used in order to and to​


i study in order to get a high score

she come on time i order to make him not angry

sinta write a poem to her friend

charlie play the piano to entertain his friends

2. USED TO and complete the following sentences with "used to, use to or didn't use to".

moga bisa bantuin ya

3. 3.look at the pictures and write sentences. use the prompts given. bantuin plisss


2. She wants to eat sandwich

3. They would be become volunteers on animal shelter

3. He promised her to be  a better student

4. She remember to buy some milk


semoga membantu


2. she wants to eat sandwich

3. they would like to become volunteers at animal shelter

4. he promised to be a better student

5. she remebered to buy the milk

4. Write about 5 sentences with “used/didn’t use to”. *​


She didn't use to be this nice

He used to like me

They used to play all day

This place used to be crowded

I didn't use to watch this much tv

• He used to love me
• I used to live in Jakarta
• I never used to read manga
• They didn’t use to play badminton
• She didn’t use to like reading

5. Write these sentences in different ways using the prompts provided, as in the example

where the sentence???

6. Perintah : Rearrange the sentencesare write life. used to about Diaries your​


Diaries are used to write about your life.

semoga membantu






maaf kalau salah

7. 21.write the phrases, sentences, and questions used in the messages to completely the tablet. The 1st message s done for you


2nd message




This is Myorns Ticket Agency.

Our office is closed at the moment.


Please leave your name and phone number and we'll call you back when we open.

Speak after the tone.

3rd message


Thank you for calling Melati Airways.

We're sorry to keep you waiting.


Your call is in a queue.


Please leave your name and number after the tone.

Please hold on until on of our agents is free.

4th message


Thanks for ringing.


This is Mitos Raoni's office.

I'm not in at the moment, but I'll call you back when I return.


Please leave your name and number after the tone.

semoga membantu..

8. 3. Which are the sentences used to ask for intention and purpose to do an activity in the previous dialog? 4. Which are the sentences used to state intention and purpose to do an activity? Ada yang bisa tolong bantu jawab


3. What are you doing?

4. Where are you going?


*maaf kalo ada yang salah

9. Exercise A : Write with “used to / used for” to complete the sentences.1. A typewriter was __________ write.2. An abacus is __________ adding and subtracting.3. Beads are __________ make jewelry.4. An instant camera was ___________ taking pictures.Exercise B : Complete and circle the sentences with the correct words.5. A washing machine is used _________ (for washing / to washing) clothes.6. Refrigerators are used _________ (to keep / for keep) food, vegetables fresh.7. Computer is used _________ (for playing / to playing) games.8. Cell phones are used __________ (to call / to calling) friends and family.Exercise C : Write the sentences.9. They would rather go fishing in the lake. ______________________________________________ (-)10. She would rather play basketball. ______________________________________________ (?)​


used toused forused toused forfor washingto keepfor playingto callthey wouldn't rather go fishing in the lakewould she rather play basketball?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10. which are the sentences used to state intention and purpose to do an activity​

Jawaban: kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan maksud dan tujuan melakukan suatu kegiatan

Penjelasan: mungkin artinya gini ?

11. re-write the sentences below using 'used to'​

2. I used to study Japanese

3. I used to cook

4. My brother used to study hard

5. People used not to have electricity

6. I used to be lazy

7. People used not to have TV

8. Manuela used to be heavy

12. write 5 sentences with used so that based on the simple present and simple future​


Simple present:

1. I eat my breakfast at 8 a.m every day

2. Every morning, mom goes to the supermarket.

3. Dad usually goes to work at 10 a.m because the company is his.

4. Tiara wears jacket everyday.

5. My sister and i go to the church every Sunday with our family.

Simple future :

1. He will go to Australia next holiday

2. Mom will go to the market later to buy some ingredients for cooking.

3. Julia promised me the she will finish my novel tomorrow.

4. Dad will go to Italy and Rome with mom by this time next month.

5. Yulius will break up with his girlfriend later. He told me a few minutes ago.

13. Mohon bantuannya Imagine you've been living in England for three years. Write sentences with the correct forms of used to and get used to. ex. driving ---- I was used to driving on the right, but now I'm getting used to driving on the left 1. the weather --- ____________________________________________________________ 2. the language --- _________________________________________________________ 3. the food --- _____________________________________________________________ 4. the money --- __________________________________________________________

1. I was used to like sunny weather, but now I'm getting used to like snowy weather
2. I was used to speaking Indonesian, but now I'm getting used to speaking english
3. I was used to eat rice, but now I'm getting used to eat steak
4. I was used to using Indonesian money, but now I'm getting used to using British money

semoga membantu, mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan

14. Perintah : Rearrange the sentencesare write life. used to about Diaries your​


Diaries are used to write about your life.

semoga bermanfaat


Rearrange the sentences

are write life. used to about Diaries your​, artinya:

Atur ulang kalimat

adalah kehidupan menulis. terbiasa dengan Diaries Anda

Maaf karena saya kurang paham

Dan semoga membantu

15. 1. Write the example of the Hortatory Exposition Text. 2. Classify into the generic structure ( thesis, arguments, and recommendation ) 3. Write the part of speech in the language feature used in your text 4. Write 2 sentences using the grammar used in your text 5. Write 2 sentences used in your text


Artinya adalah

Tuliskan contoh Teks Eksposisi Hortatory.

2. Klasifikasi ke dalam struktur generik (tesis, argumen, dan rekomendasi)3. Tulis bagian pidato dalam fitur bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks Anda4. Tulis 2 kalimat menggunakan tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks Anda5. Tulis 2 kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks Anda

16. Perintah : Rearrange the sentencesare write life. used to about Diaries your​


Diaries are used to write about your life.

semoga membantu :)



Jawaban:Diaries are used to write about your life.


17. Which are the sentences used to ask for intention and purpose to doan activity in the previous dialog?Which are the sentences used to stale intention and purpose tu doan activity?​


Yang merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menanyakan maksud dan tujuan melakukan

aktivitas di dialog sebelumnya?

Yang merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk maksud dan tujuan basi tu lakukan

sebuah aktivitas?


itu translateny maaf kli salah

18. Write Have you ever ...? questions with the prompts.​

2. have you ever ridden a motorbike ?

3. have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument?

4. have you ever met a famous person?

5. have you ever made a film?

maap kalo salah yaa :/

fuck you!!!! you missed me questions

19. I want to ask about the sentence used to reveal past events what is the difference between a sentence used to express past events with other sentences? and what is the negative sentence example? thanks

sketches and writing structures are still lacking in comprehension, and still be mistery unlike the others whose writing looks a bit ceat.

20. use the prompts to write responses​


1) Yes, you may

2) Yes, I mind

3) Yes, it would

4) No, you would not

5) Yes, you can

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