Kamis, 24 November 2022

Plan De Lectie Istorie Clasa A 5 A

Plan De Lectie Istorie Clasa A 5 A

membuat dialog asking a plan stating a plan hiding a plan

Daftar Isi

1. membuat dialog asking a plan stating a plan hiding a plan

A : Hey, u look so serious. What’s the matter ?
B : Oh.., i’m just thinking about something
A : What is it about ?
B : I’m thinking that i’m gonna hold a x’mas party in our class in this year
A : Wow, sounds great !
B : Really ? U think so ?
A : Yeah. But what’s the purpose of that party ?
B : I’m just thinking that’s the best idea to gathering all of our class members during the x’mas eve this year
A : I think it would be nice if we also make an event, like change our present to our friends
B : Ok. Now, i need to have permission from head master. I need his permit to use our class room on x’mas eve and talk to our mother class to ask her to come and participate in that party
A : is there anything that i could do ?
B : we also need to make permission’s letter to give to our parents. It would be helpful if u make it.
A : sure. With my pleasure.

A : Hei , u terlihat begitu serius . Apa masalahnya ?
 B : Oh .. , aku hanya berpikir tentang sesuatu
A : Apa itu tentang ?
 B : Aku berpikir bahwa aku akan mengadakan pesta x'mas di kelas kami di tahun ini
A : Wow , kedengarannya hebat ! B : Benarkah? U berpikir begitu ? A : Ya . Tapi apa tujuan partai itu?
B : Saya hanya berpikir yang ide yang terbaik untuk mengumpulkan semua anggota kelas kami selama malam x'mas tahun ini
A : Saya pikir itu akan lebih baik jika kita juga membuat sebuah acara , seperti mengubah hadir untuk teman-teman kita
B : Ok . Sekarang , saya harus memiliki izin dari kepala sekolah . Saya perlu izin untuk menggunakan ruang kelas kami di x'mas malam dan berbicara dengan kelas ibu kami memintanya untuk datang dan berpartisipasi dalam pesta itu
 A : apakah ada sesuatu yang saya bisa lakukan ?
 B : kami juga perlu membuat surat izin untuk memberikan kepada orang tua kita . Ini akan sangat membantu jika u membuatnya
 . A : yakin . Dengan senang hati

2. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ke kalimat passive1. I draw a house plan2. I drew a house plan3. I will draw a house plan4. I would draw a house plan5. I am drawing a house plan

a house plan draw by me
a house plan drew by me
a house plan will draw by me
a house plan drawing by me a house plan was drown by me
a house plan will be drawn by me
a house plan would be drawn by me
a house plan has been drawn by me
a house plan had been drawn by me
a house plan will have been drawn by me

3. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ke kalimat passive1. I draw a house plan2. I drew a house plan3. I will draw a house plan4. I would draw a house plan5. I am drawing a house plan6. I was drawing a house plan7. I will be drawing a house plan8. I would be drawing a house plan9. I have drawn a house plan10. I had drawn a house plan11. I will have drawn a house plan12. I would have drawn a house plan13. I have been drawing a house plan14. I had been drawing a house plan15. I will have been drawing a house plan16. I would have been drawing a house plan

semoga membantu yaa...

4. membuat percakapan sms dari 1. a plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends 2. a plan to watch a video together in the afternoon 3. a plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital 5. a plan to return a book

1.- Jack : Hey Peter
- Peter : Hey Jack, whatsup
- Jack : i'm always bored on saturday , got any ideas to do?
- Peter : well,,,, today i'm having a race at the park today, do you want to have an exercise together after the race
- Jack : sure
- Peter : great!!, don't forget to bring your bike
- Jack : yupp,, see yaa......

2. - Cynthia : hello grace
- Grace : hey Cyn, it's been a long time you didn't text me
- Cynthia : yeaa.., by the way do you want to watch a rare but cool video after school?
- Grace : that will be nice
- Cynthia : see you at the park at 2.30 PM

3. - Valerie : hey Josh
- Josh : hey
- Valerie : do you want to visit Clara at the hospital, the other kids are going
- Josh : ok,
- Valerie : cause we are going in my car, we will pick you up in 6.00 PM

4. - George : hello, guys help me
- Tia : what?!!!!!
- George : i want to return the school book that i borrow but i'm to shy
- Jake : what kind of boy are you
- George : hey....
- Jake : #justkidding
- Tia : ok, ok, we will help you
- George : thanks, bye

5. Make a dialogue , about the activities you plan to do after school . For example , you make a plan , called plan A , but you need to make a back up plan called plan B , just in case something happens .​


Lakukan dialog tentang kegiatan yang Anda rencanakan setelah sekolah. Misalnya, Anda membuat rencana, yang disebut rencana A, tetapi Anda perlu membuat rencana cadangan yang disebut rencana B, untuk berjaga-jaga jika terjadi sesuatu.


itu terjemahannya

maaf kalo salah

6. Make a dialogue , about the activities you plan to do after school . For example , you make a plan , called plan A , but you need to make a back up plan called plan B , just in case something happens ​


Lakukan dialog tentang kegiatan yang Anda rencanakan setelah sekolah. Misalnya, Anda membuat rencana, yang disebut rencana A, tetapi Anda perlu membuat rencana cadangan yang disebut rencana B, untuk berjaga-jaga jika terjadi sesuatu.


itu terjemahannya

maaf kalo salah

7. Arrange this word into a good sentence! (a plan – have – you – on – next holiday - ? – do )a. Have you do a plan on next holiday?b. Have you do on a plan on next holiday?c. Do have you a plan on next holiday?d. Do you have a plan on next holiday?pliss ka buat ujian ​


d. Do you have a plan on next holiday?

semoga membantu



Atur kata ini menjadi kalimat yang bagus! (rencana - apakah - kamu - pada - liburan berikutnya -? - lakukan)

Sebuah. Sudahkah Anda membuat rencana untuk liburan berikutnya?

b. Apakah Anda sudah merencanakan liburan berikutnya?

c. Apakah Anda punya rencana untuk liburan selanjutnya?

d. Apakah Anda punya rencana untuk liburan berikutnya

8. tolong dibantu ya!!! Pilihlah satu dari situasi di bawah ini, lalu buatlah short massage 1 dari situasi dibawah ini. 1. A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend 2. A plan to watch a video together in the afternoon 3. A plan to do the Math homework together 4. A plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital 5. A plan to return a book contoh short massage ada di file PPT

2. “hey! Don’t forget to watch a video after school!”

9. have a casual chat with your friend. tell him/her the activities you plan to do after school. for example, you make a plan, called plan a, but you need to make a back-up plan called plan b, just in case something happens

A: Hey dude. Whatcha doin' after going home?
B: I'm gonna cinema. Will you come?
A: Why not. What about 4pm.
B: Alright. See you there.

10. A good plan will.....and.....

a good plan Will assist you to achieve your goals

11. Cara membuat short message dari; ¤a plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends ¤a plan to watch a video together in the afteernoon ¤a plan to do the math homework together ¤a plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital ¤a plan to return a book

haii what are tomorrow afternoon you have a free time ? I want to ask you to watch videos together
hey, do you want to do the math homework together, on this afternoon? 

12. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ke kalimat passiveI would have drawn a house planI have been drawing a house planI had been drawing a house planI will have been drawing a house planI would have been drawing a house plan

a house plan was drown by me
a house plan will be drawn by me
a house plan would be drawn by me
a house plan has been drawn by me
a house plan had been drawn by me
a house plan will have been drawn by meA house plan would have been drawn (by me).
A house plan have been being drawn (by me).
A house plan had been drawn (by me).
A house plan will have been being drawn (by me).
A house plan would have been being drawn (by me).

13. Membuat percakapan ( seperti chat atau SMS ) minimal 5 kali kirim dan 5 kali balas.....1. A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend.2. A plan to watch a video Together in the afternoon.3. A plan to do the math homework together.4. A plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital.5. A plan to return a book.Tolong dibantu, trimakasih​

Oh gam pang maaf kalau aalah

14. make a 5 sentence present tense plan

1. I love to go to the park on Sunday.

2. Are you free tonight?

3. Mathematics is not my favorite subject.

4. They are my best friends.

5. I do not know who you are.

15. write text messages based on the following topics.then write their replies 1.a plan to attend english speaking club together 2.a plan to visit a sick teacher this afternoon 3.a plan to see a robotic exhibition 4.a plan to fish in a river 5.a plan to make a paper craft "bantu aku ngerjain ini"


16. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ke kalimat passive1. I draw a house plan2. I drew a house plan3. I will draw a house plan4. I would draw a house plan5. I am drawing a house plan6. I was drawing a house plan7. I will be drawing a house plan8. I would be drawing a house plan9. I have drawn a house plan10. I had drawn a house plan11. I will have drawn a house plan12. I would have drawn a house plan13. I have been drawing a house plan14. I had been drawing a house plan15. I will have been drawing a house plan16. I would have been drawing a house plan

1. a house plan is drawn by me.
2. a house plan was drawn by me.
3. a house plan will be drawn by me.
4. a house plan would be drawn by me.
5. a house plan is being drawn by me.
6. a house plan was being drawn by me.
7. a house plan will be being drawn by me.
8. a house plan would be being drawn by me.
9. a house plan have been drawn by me.
10. a house plan had been drawn by me.
11. a house plan will have been drawn by me.
12. a house plan would have been drawn by me.
13. a house plan have been being drawn by me.
14. a house plan had been being drawn by me.
15. a house plan will have been being drawn by me.
16. a house plan would have been being drawn by me.

semoga membantu ya

17. B. BUATLAH SATU PESAN SINGKAT ( SHORT MESSAGE ) DARI MASING-MASING SOAL DIBAWAH INI!1. A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend2. A plan to watch a video together in the afternoon3. A plan to do the math homework together4. A plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital5. A plan to return a bookTOLONG DI BANTU MENJAWAB SEPERTI GAMBAR YANG TERTERA!!​


2. Hello Rina, i want to invite you to watch a video together with me in the afternoon. Are you free in the afternoon? if you're free, come to my house and we can watch together!

3. I intend to do the math with you, come do the homework with me at my house!

4. I want to visit my friend at the hospital, I wanna know how she is.

5. have you finished reading my book? i want you to return it because i want to read the book too. and please return it as soon as possibly


sorry if there's any mistake. and can you make me the best answer?

18. Cara membuat short message dari; ¤a plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends ¤a plan to watch a video together in the afteernoon ¤a plan to do the math homework together ¤a plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital ¤a plan to return a book

1.hey! wanna ride bicycle on the weekend?
2.wanna come in to my house in the afternoon and watch a video?
3.hey, let's do the math homework together at my house
4.as You know Dora is sick, do You wanna visit him at the hospital afterschool?
5.hey, i'm coming to your house later, i want to return the book i borrowed from you1. Hey sita! wanna ride bicycle on the weekend?
2. Tono, wanna come in to my house in the afternoon and watch a video?
3. Lutyi, let's do the math homework together at my house
4. Fokva, are you know Julia is sick, do you wanna visit him at the hospital afterschool?
5. Hey, i'm coming to your house later, i want to return the book i borrowed from you

19. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ke kalimat passive I was drawing a house planI will be drawing a house planI would be drawing a house plan I have drawn a house planI had drawn a house plan I will have drawn a house plan

a house plan was drown by me
a house plan will be drawn by me
a house plan would be drawn by me
a house plan has been drawn by me
a house plan had been drawn by me
a house plan will have been drawn by me
A house plan was being drawn (by me).
A house plan will be being drawn (by me).
A house plan has been drawn (by me).
A house plan had been drawn (by me).
A house plan will have been drawn (by me).

20. 1. A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend.2 A plan to watch a video together in the afternoon.3. A plan to do the Math homework together.4. A plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital.5. A plan to return a book.​


mohon maaf kak soalnya apa kalau terjemahan ini jawabnya ada di gambar

semoga membantu ^_^

maaf jika ada kekurangan

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