kak tolong dijawab ya pliss ini tentang posesiv adjetiv dan posesiv pronaun
1. kak tolong dijawab ya pliss ini tentang posesiv adjetiv dan posesiv pronaun
maaf kalo salah
2. ciri posesiv pronoun
Sebagai Possessive Pronoun
Yaitu adalah kata ganti benda yang tidak diikuti benda, cirinya selalu diikuti kata milik, dan terletak setelah tobe
3. posesiv pronoun this is lucky's. rucksack
posesive pronoun yang dipakai adalah "lucky's"
penambahan 's di akhir subject menunjukkan bahwa itu merupakan milik si subject tsb
4. complete the dialog by using or adjektif or posesiv or object pronoun
A: what is your english teachers name?
B: her name is mam titin
A: who is he?
B: he is my cousin, his name is romeo
5. buatlah kalimat kalumat sederhana yang menggunakan subjektiv personal pronoun kemudian rubahlah menjadi objektivpersonal pronoun dan juga rubahlahmenjadi posesiv personal pronoun!!!
Alya: I need you! =Carla:you need me?
It is your pen? =yes, the pen is Mine .
6. ubah ke posesiv they discus the projec• Andi watches the movie
the project is discussed by them.
the movie is watched by andi.
7. Tulis 5 kalimat poitive kemudian ubah 5 kalimat positif tersebut menjadi negatif dan posesiv dan interogativbantu adik ni
1. My shirt is green.
2. Your eraser is lost.
3. Their bikes are cool.
4. Her book is thick.
5. His pen is expensive.
1. • My shirt is not green.
• Is my shirt green?
• This green shirt is mine.
2. • Your eraser is not lost.
• Is your eraser lost?
• The lost eraser is yours.
3. • Their bikes are not cool.
• Are their bikes cool?
• Those cool bikes are theirs.
4. • Her book is not thick.
• Is her book thick?
• The thick book is hers.
5. • His pen is not expensive.
• Is his pen expensive?
• The expensive pen is his.
klo posesive agak bingung, maap klo salah
8. a Germanab. LenbahKepulauan MalukuIl sungale. Dotoran rendah1. Pantai0. Gunungb. LembahBukitPulau Daltd. Sungaie. Dataran rendah :1. Pontal0. Gunungb. Lembohc. BukitKepulauan NusaTenggarad. Sungaie. Dataron rendoh1. Pantai
mksdnya apa ya? soalnya gk jelas :)
9. materi posesiv voice modul halaman 15 10mohon dibantu ya!
▫The novel is being read by me
▫The house is painted by the guard
▫The cake will be cooked by mother
▫The lesson was written by Rudi
▫The car has been bought by father
Penjelasan:Passive Voice
Objek yang melakukan aksi. Jadi, objek menjadi subyek
O + To be + Past participle + By S
The lesson was written by Rudi
▫The lesson = Object
▫Was = To be
▫Written = Past participle/Verb 3 dari write
▫By Rudi = By Subject
Menggunakan Present Continous Tense
S + To be (Is/Am/Are) + Verb-ing + O
I am reading the novel
S + To be (Is/Am/Are) + Being + Verb 3 + By O
The novel is being read by me
Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
S + Verb (s/es) + O
The guard paints the house
S +To be (Is/Am/Are) + Verb 3 + By O
The house is painted by the guard
Menggunakan Simple Future (Will)
S + Will/Shall + Verb 1 + O
Mother will cook the cake
S + Will + Be + Verb 3 + By O
The cake will be cooked by mother
Menggunakan SimplePastTense
S + Verb 2 + O
Rudi Wrote the lesson
S + To be (Was/Were) + Verb 3 + By O
The lesson was written by Rudi
Menggunakan PresentPerfectTense
S + Have/Has + Verb 3 + O
Father has bought the car
S + Have/Has + Been + Verb 3 + By O
The car has been bought by father
✨☁️Semoga Membantu☁️✨
10. Please answer the following questions according to the text ! kalian mengerjakannya menggunakan posesiv pronoun questions: 1. Which ones are Josh's toys? * 2. Which one is Clara's Barbie?
1. Josh's toys are robots and cars
2. Clara's Barbie are only the Barbie Kids
Thank You
mainan jo adalah robot dan ia main dikamar yaitu dikasurnya
clara memiliki banyak koleksi barbie dan menurutnya itu lebih manis dari pada saudara perempuan.
semoga beanfaat dan membantu kakak/adek
11. PLZZZ DIBANTUUU kalian harus teliti karna ada yang simple pasten, posesiv pronoun dll 1. Joe and Jen ___________ good friends last year. * 2. I did not ____________ baseball on Sunday. *
1.Joe and jen wasagood friends last year
2.I did not Play baseball on sunday
Sorry if the answer wrong(Maaf jika jawabannya salah)
12. ubahlah kalimat aktif tersebut menjadi kalimat posesiv 1. I am reading the novel.2. The guard paints the house3. Mother will cook the cake4. Rudi wrote the lesson5. Father has bought the car .mohon dibantu ya mau dikumpulkan sebentar lagi:(
posesiv atau pasiv kak?
1. a novel is being read by me
2.a house is paints by guard
3. a cake is cooked by my mother
4. the lesson is wrote by Rudi
5. the car is bought by father