Selasa, 10 Januari 2023

Referat Religia In Lumea Contemporana

Referat Religia In Lumea Contemporana

I an a new student in the school. The word "I" in the sentence referat to​

Daftar Isi

1. I an a new student in the school. The word "I" in the sentence referat to​

The subject/the new student in the school.

Hope this helps!


Saya seorang siswa baru di sekolah tersebut. Kata "aku" dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk pada

2. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud referat,dan berikan contohnya

Pengertian Referat
Sebuah referat atau makalah sebenarnya adalah suatu ceramah singkatmengenai suatu bidang ilmu pengetahuan, yang berlangsung antara 10 – 20menit. Seringkali referat juga mengantarkan ke dalam salah satu bidang; ataudi pakai sebagai salah satu acara dalam perundingan, sehingga orangmenyebutnya; pengantar singkat atau referat singkat. Referat dapat juga dibawakan dalam diskusi, dalam konprensi atau konpresi meja bundar. Padadasarnya referat dibatasi uraiannya pada hal-hal yang esensial, sehinggalebih mengenai budi dan bukan perasaan manusia.
Referat adalah kertas kerja atau makalah yang disampaikan di suatupertemuabn ilmiah ( seminar, konferensi, konges, dsb ).
Referat adalah tinjauan mengenai karangan sendiri atau karangan orang lain,akan tetapi bukan hasil dari penelitians.

Good luck

3. Cherez ozhivshie vikingi mysliat, esli, i tolko esli zarubezhnyi referat do tekh por budet videt.


maaf ya ini bahasa apa saya gak paham

4. "...I went to Medan by myself." (Paragraph 1 ) the italicised word referat to Artinya


"... saya pergi ke Medan sendiri." (Paragraf 1) kata yang bercetak miring ditujukan kepada

5. On Saturday night,we want to the town hall.It was the last day of the year and a large Crowe of people have gathered under the town hall clook.It would strike twelve ini twenty minute hand did not move.We waited and waited,but nothing happened .Suddenly some one shouted,"it's two minutes past twelve!The clock hasil stoples" I looked at my watch.It was true the big click refused to welcome the new year.At that momen,everybody began to laugh and sing 1. When did the clock stopped? 2. Why did the people gathering under the town hall clock? 3. Based on the text,where was the writer? 4. When did the event happen? 5. "Itu would strike twelve ini twenty minutes'time" The underground word referat to..


1. at twelve

2. because if was the last day of the year

3. the writer was at the town hall

4. on december the thirty first

5. town hall clock

6.СсSubject: BirthdayDearlhamNext May 27 is Azuchi's birthday. My husband and are planning to celebrate it with a small partyin a orphanage. We want to share happiness and care with others who need the most the orphanageplan to visit is Mekar San Orphanape which is located in Serpong Tangerang, BantenBesides celebrating Azuchi's birthday, we also plan to give donation meclothes, toys, noe, cooking oil, child baby mik i think you may like to give done on to Spede contarme soon If you have decided to do so!Task 8. 1.. The email is addressed toa lihamc. Azuchib. Rahmad. Orphans. 2.According to the email, Rahma family willcelebrate Azuchi's birthday witha. her familyc. Azuchi's friendsb. Angel's friends d. kids in an orphanage. 3.Who need the happiness and care most accord-ing to Rahma?a Erikac. Orphansb. Azuchid. Rahma's friends4. What does Rahma ask ilham to do?a Visa Mekar Sari Orphanageb. Celebrate her son's birthdayc. Plan a birthday party for Azuchud. Join giving donation to the orphanage.5. The word We" in the sentences above referata liham's familyb. Rahma's familyc. Azuchi's friendsd. The wintershusband​


1. A. Ilham

2. A. Her family

3. C. Orphans

4. B. Celebrate her son's birthday

5. B. Rahma's Family

7. Zhalobnaia progulka v koordinatsii s trudno govoriashchim torrentom — polnaia erotika, tolko esli opasno szhatyi referat nachinaet plakat.


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