Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Order The Words To Make Questions

Order The Words To Make Questions

put the words in the correct order to make questions.​

1. put the words in the correct order to make questions.​


1. Did you go out last night?

2. Did you listen to music on Sunday

3. Did you eat eggs this morning for breakfast

4. Did you watch TV last night?

5. Did you go on holiday last year?


kalimat 1 memiliki arti "apakah kamu pergi keluar malam kemarin?" Kalimat 2 memiliki arti "apakah kamu mendengarkan musik pada hari minggu?" Kalimat 3 memiliki arti "apakah kamu memakan telur pagi ini untuk sarapan?" Kalimat 4 memiliki arti "apakah kamu menonton TV malam kemarin?" Kalimat 5 memiliki arti "apakah kamu pergi berlibur tahun lalu?

 mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan

2. put the words in order to make questions old - yuo - how -are - ?​


How old are you


susunan kalimat yang benar adalah how old are you?

terjemahan: berapa umurmu?

~semoga membantu ^-^

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1 .kurang paham

2.that was thirteen or thirty?

3.the number is 675 6475?

4.there is anything else?

5.have you sent the email?

Maaf kalok no1 gak bisa jawab

Mohon mengerti

4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

2. was that thirteen or thirty?

3.is the number 675 6475?

4.is there anything else?

5.have you sent the email?

maaf cuma tau segitu, maaf kalo salah ya

5. Put the words in order to make requests

could you give me a dollar? (1)
can i ask you something?(2)
could you lend me your phone? (2)
can i borrow your car? (4) 1 . could you give me a dollar?
2.can i ask you something?
3.could you lend me your phone?
4.can i borrow your car?

6. order the following words to make good sentences​


dialog tentang memberi saran

7. 1. Order the words to make sentences.​


2. i'd prefer to go shopping

3. this film sounds very funny

4. where would you rather go on holiday?

5. what would you prefer to do tonight?

6. i'd rather watch a film at home


kalimat-kalimat diatas berhubungan dalam memutuskan untuk lebih memlilih sesuatu dari yang lain. bisa menggunakan prefer/rather.

i hope it helps you!

8. Practice A Put the words in brackets () in the right order to make questions.​



•where do you live?

1) when do you get up?

2) where does she comes from?

3) when are they leaving?

4) why is he waiting?

5) how are you?

6) how did you get to scotland?

7) where is the town centre?

8) why does paul drives so fast?

9) when does the film starts?

10) how will you travel?

11) why is she running

12) where did you buy that picture?



•dimana kamu tinggal?

1) kapan kamu bangun?

2) dari mana dia berasal?

3) kapan mereka pergi?

4) mengapa dia menunggu?

5) apa kabar?

6) bagaimana Anda sampai ke skotlandia?

7) di mana pusat kota?

8) mengapa paul mengemudi begitu cepat?

9) kapan filmnya dimulai?

10) bagaimana Anda akan bepergian?

11) mengapa dia berlari?

English:sorry if it's wrong and sent late and changed just ok thank you for allowing me to answer and get coins ok I'm still a beginner so I can't rush ok bye :)

indo:maaf kalau salah dan telat dikirim dan diganti ok terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya menjawab dan mendapatkan koin ok saya masih pemula jadi saya tidak bisa terburu-buru ok dah :)

9. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences​


1. The company used to produce only effervescent powder.

2. The production process used to be simple and uncomplicated.


The production process used to be uncomplicated and simple.

3. The clothing specifications didn't use to be documented.

4. The company's safety regulations didn't use to be so strict.

5. There didn't use to be so many inspections by authorities


Kita bisa menyusun kata-kata tersebut menjadi kalimat yang benar jika kita bukan hanya memahami makna tiap kata, tapi juga part of speech nya (apakah noun, verb dsb) dan memahami bagaimana struktur kalimat yang baik.

Soal ini khususnya mengenai kata "used to" (bentuk past).

Kata "used to" bermakna "pernah dulu" atau "dulunya". Jadi ini mengandung makna dulu pernah dilakukan, tapi sekarang tidak lagi.

Ada dalam bentuk positif, misalnya kalimat soal nomor 1, ada juga dalam bentuk negatif, misalnya soal nomor 3.

Semoga bermanfaat,


Used to:

1. The company used to produce effervescent powder only.

2. The production process used to be simple and uncomplicated.

3. The clothing specifications didn't use to be documented.

4. The company's safety regulations didn't use to be so strict.

5. There used not to be so many inspections by authorities.


There used to not be so many inspections by authorities.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat dengan menggunakan ekspresi Used to (dulunya) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat menggunakan ekspresi "used to" maknanya adalah kebiasaan yang dilakukan di masa lampau, namun tidak dilakukan lagi di masa kini.

Untuk nomor 3. dan 4. merupakan bentuk kalimat negatif karena subjeknya adalah "they"

Namun untuk nomor 5. kata "there" merupakan adverb dan bukan subjek, sehingga bentuk negatif tidak menggunakan didn't tetapi menggunakan bentuk seperti yang tertera pada jawaban di atas

Semoga membantu ya.

10. Rearrange the words to make questions ​


tidak boleh memakai uang berlebihan


itu jawaban nya

maaf kalo salah

11. Activity 4 Put the words in order to make questions and answers.look at the examples.


itu di kamus bhs. inggris ada kalau gak salah hal 57-98

1) Mia : Has you ever bitten a snake?
Rio : No, a snake has never bitten me.
Rio : a dog has ever bitten me.
2) Tio : Has mahendra has ever spoken french?
Joe : No, he has never spoken French
Joe : He has ever spoker germany
3) Roy : Has your mother ever taught science and maths
Sam : No, she has never taught science and maths
Sam : She has ever taught English
4) May : Have you ever taken a music class
Kim : No, I’ve never taken a music class
Kim : I’ve ever taken a dancing class
5) Via : Have you ever traveled to european countries
Boy : No, I’ve never traveled to european countries
Boy : I’ve ever travelled to Asian countries

12. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1.) A is that as in Amsterdam?
2.) That was thirteen or thirty?
3.) The number is 6.756.475?
4.) There is anything else?
5.) Have you sent the email?

---------------JUST THATS----------
jangan lupa follow, thanks dan the best ya.....

13. put the words in the order to make sentences​


1. He can well the piano well.

2. Budiman can swim fast on the river.

3. My sister can't ride a motorcycle.

4. My uncle can ride a horse perfectly.

5. Can she sing a song melodiously?


positive sentence: S + can + V1 + Obj.

asking sentence: can/may + S + V1 + Obj. + ?

14. put the letters into the correct order to make words​

3. upgrade (perbaikan)
5. sizeable
8. responsible

maaf hanya bisa bantu segitu :)

15. put the words in the correct order to make questions how many you friends have in do class your


Put the correct words in order to make questions How Many Do You Have Friends In Your Class ?


Perbaikan Kata

maaf kalau salah

16. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

in Amsterdam?

jawabannya : in

Is that as in Amsterdam?

17. Put the words in order to make sentences and questions1. than/losing/winning/is/fun/more​


winning/ is/more/ fun/ than/ losing


menang lebih seru dari pada kalah

Halo ka semoga membantu!


Winning is more fun than losing


-Why winning is more fun than losing


maaf ya ka kalo salah ^^

18. put the words in the correct order to make sentences​


1. peter is painting a picture

2. Rachel and Joy are listening to music

3. Max and Paddy aren't playing football now

4. I'm not eating lunch at the moment

5. Elana is drinking lemonade

6. you are watching this programme

19. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1 . as in A is that Amsterdam?

2 . was that thirteen or thirty?

3 . is the number 675 6475?

4 . is there anything else?

5 . have you sent the email?

Maaf kalau salah

1) Is that A as in Amsterdam?

2)Was that thirteen or thirty?

3)Is the number 675 6475?

4)Is there anything else?

5)Have you sent the email?

20. put the words in order to make sentences​


what does this word mean?

Jawaban :

What - does - this - word - mean - ?

- What does this word mean ?

Semoga membantu

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