Minggu, 12 Maret 2023

A Christmas Carol In Romana

A Christmas Carol In Romana

Tugas A Christmas Carol. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

Daftar Isi

1. Tugas A Christmas Carol. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited


pertanyaan nya pa sista ??

2. cum se da in romana ? ajutor,!

bagaimana memberikan di romawi?
membangtu !
aku ga maksud

3. Carol, ... Much coffe in the cup?

Carol, .... Much coffe in the cup?
kata yang tepat untuk mengisi... adalah How

Carol , How much coffe in the cup?

4. I am going to meet him . . . Christmas. a. inb. onc. atd. then​







C. at




5. Listen to the dialogue and then fill in the blank with the proper words Hanna: "hello,may i speak to carol?" Carol: "yes,it's me.who is (....)?


Jangan lupa du klik like

6. OT Une s success on - Speed - DM 32. Create a short dialog based on situation provided in the picturel Carol : David : ח Carol David : Today is David's graduation day. Carol congratulates him and hopes he will find a job soon.​


David: Bambang, tomorrow's graduation day, do you have any plans?

Bambang: oh yes, I already have a plan after graduating from college I want to work

david: oh so if i'm still confused what to do after finishing



7. carol is goang to schoolshe is bringing her books in her​




8. 9. The Christmas day is in .... a. December 22ndb.december 23tdc.decemmber 24thd.december 24th​


harus nya 25 december


9. Today is David's graduation day. Carol congratulates him and hopes he will find a job soon.Carol:David:Carol:David:​

Today is David's graduation day. Carol congratulates him and hopes he will find a job soon.

Carol: Congratulations on your

graduation David!

David: Thanks Carol.

Carol: You're welcome. I hope you will

get a job

David:​ I hope so.

10. apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Pax Romana ?

Pax Romana adalah persatuan internasional cendekiawan dan mahasiswa Katolik untuk memajukan semangat persatuan.

11. Carol...be in she's always in the gym in the morning (impossibility)​


ini mau diapakan


Carol...be in dia selalu di gym di pagi hari (mustahil)

12. În ce stadiu se afla procesul de integrare a României în Uniunea Europeană si in NATO? si vreau raspunsul in romana

nati si integrare romana

13. paragraph di bawah ini terdapat kalimat dan kata yang salah, benarkan kata yang salah pada paragraph tersebut. 4 months ago, is a day of Christmas for Christians. in the country that I live in now, all celebrate Christmas. they make a variety of ornaments for Christmas. happiness for Christians is on Christmas Day. 3 months ago in hongkong celebrate the Chinese New Year, during my stay here I've felt the lunar day for 3 times.

4 months ago, is a Christmas day for Christians. In the country that I live in now, all celebrated Christmas. they made the variety of ornaments for Christmas. Happiness for Christians is on Christmas Day. 3 months ago in hongkong celebrated the Chinese New Year, during my stay here I've felt the lunar day for 3 times.

14. Write your activity during Christmas holiday. Write it in one paragraph


1. Membuat mainan dengan kardus Ada berbagai jenis mainan yang bisa kita buat dengan memanfaatkan kardus bekas. Misalnya, membuat rumah-rumahan, mobil-mobilan, atau robot-robotan yang bisa digunakan oleh anak. Selama proses pembuatan, orangtua bisa melibatkan anak untuk berpartisipasi, walaupun hanya dalam hal kecil. Peran anak bisa disesuaikan dengan umur dan kemampuannya. Misalnya, saat harus mencari kardus, mengoleskan lem, dan menggunting bagian tertentu. Semua ini masih harus dalam pengawasan orangtua, ya. Jangan tinggalkan mereka melakukannya sendiri. Melibatkan si kecil dalam pekerjaan juga bisa merangsang motoriknya, lho. Jika mainan sudah selesai dibuat, beri mereka contoh bagaimana penggunaannya. Setelah itu, biarkan mereka memainkannya dengan Anda tetap ada di sekitar untuk menemani dan mengawasi. Dengan seperti ini, Anda telah mengajarkan kepada buah hati kreativitas, bagaimana memanfaatkan barang tak terpakai menjadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Laman Unicef  mencontohkan, membuat mobil-mobilan dengan kardus yang diberi tali. Anak bisa didudukkan di dalam kardus, kemudian orangtua menariknya berkeliling di dalam rumah sambil menirukan suara mesin mobiil, "bruum" "bruum

15. why did carol make a lot of mistakes in math test​

Jawaban :

1. Berta got bad score at English daily test.

2.Because Carol during the math test yesterday.

3. Dora take her family last weekend in Batavia restaurant.

4. When Dora and her family got to the restaurant there were no empty ta*.

5. Because Dora and her family hadn't reserved one.

6. He said Dora should have reserveda table. The restaurants are usually cr* at the weekend.

16. vorbiti romana ce aveti


maksut nya apa ya?!?..........

tolong soalnya

nanti aku jawab lagi

17. Tuliskan Lirik lagu ini di bawah ini! Write theese lyrics Below! O Christmas Tree Aretha Franklin O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree How lovely are your branches O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree How lovely are your branches Your boughs so green in summertime Stay bravely green in wintertime O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree How lovely are your branches Let us all remember In our gift giving and our merriment With our family and friends and loved ones The real and true meaning of Christmas The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ o Christmas, o Christmas tree How lovely are, your branches O Christmas, o Lagu Natal untuk 2020


Write theese lyrics Below!

O Christmas Tree

Aretha Franklin

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

Your boughs so green in summertime

Stay bravely green in wintertime

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

Let us all remember

In our gift giving and our merriment

With our family and friends and loved ones

The real and true meaning of Christmas

The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

o Christmas, o Christmas tree

How lovely are, your branches

O Christmas, o

Lagu Natal untuk 2020


Write theese lyrics Below!

O Christmas Tree

Aretha Franklin

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

Your boughs so green in summertime

Stay bravely green in wintertime

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

How lovely are your branches

Let us all remember

In our gift giving and our merriment

With our family and friends and loved ones

The real and true meaning of Christmas

The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

o Christmas, o Christmas tree

How lovely are, your branches

O Christmas, o

Lagu Natal untuk 2020


18. Congratulate your mom in "Christmas day".​


selamat kamu ibu di hari natal

19. 2. A: Look! There’s Jane and Carol. B:_____ in your English class? A: Yes, ________ . B: Who______that? A: That’s Mr. Kingston. ____ a teacher.


B : they're

A : they're / they are

B : is

A : he is

20. Exercise 3Read a sentence about the present and then write a sentence about the past.Example: Carol usually gets up at 07.30. yesterday she got up at 7:30.1. Carol usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning2 Carol usually walks to work. Yesterday3 Carol is usually late for work Yesterday4. Carol usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday5. Carol usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening6. Carol usually sleeps very well. Last night​


1. Carol usually wakes up early. She woke up late yesterday morning.

2. Carol usually walks to work. Yesterday she drove a car to work.

3. Carol is usually late for work. Yesterday she arrived on time for work.

4. Carol usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday she had hamburger for lunch.

5. Carol usually goes out in the evening. But she didn't went out yesterday evening.

6. Carol usually sleeps very well. But she didn't slept well because of the nightmare last night.


1. Carol usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning she woke up early.

2 Carol usually walks to work. Yesterday she walked to work.

3 Carol is usually late for work. Yesterday she was late for work.

4. Carol usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday she had a sandwich for lunch.

5. Carol usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening she went out.

6. Carol usually sleeps very well. Last night she slept very well.


Untuk kalimat past tense:

- verb (kata kerja) diganti dengan V2,

- am / is menjadi was,

- are menjadi were.

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