Sabtu, 08 April 2023

Look And Write In Your Notebook

Look And Write In Your Notebook

A. Please, find 5 Imperative sentences (Kalimat Perintah) and write in your notebook!B. Please, find 5 Prohibition sentences (Kalimat Larangan) and write in your notebook!C. Please find 5 sentences of Asking permission and write in your notebook!​

Daftar Isi

1. A. Please, find 5 Imperative sentences (Kalimat Perintah) and write in your notebook!B. Please, find 5 Prohibition sentences (Kalimat Larangan) and write in your notebook!C. Please find 5 sentences of Asking permission and write in your notebook!​


A. go clean your room!

turn on the lights!

close the door!

eat your breakfast!

finish your homework!

B. dont be late

dont run

dont be so annoying

you must not turn left

you must not open the gift

C. can i borrow your pencil?

can i go to the party?

can i please eat your cookie?

can i use the toilet?

can i play with your dogs?


Imperative Sentences

1.Could you get me my coffee please

2.Open the window!

3.Close the door!

4.Could you pass me a sugar

5.Can you take me my notebook

Prohibition sentences

1.Do not park in this area


3.Do not wear innapropiate clothes in this area



Asking Permission sentences

1.May I go to the toilet, please?

2.Could I close the window

3.Is it okay If I sit here?

4.May I use your bathroom?

5.Can I take pictures inside the museum?

2. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


itu artinya kamu disuruh untuk menulis materi yang telah gurumu berikan di buku mu.


semoga membantu;)

3. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


tuliskan materi didalam bukumu


maaf kalau salah

4. write present perfect sentence based on the words provided. write on your notebook.​


1. Anton has stayed in Chicago for a week

2. Yenti has not taken the job yet.

3. The nurse has given the patient injection twice

4. Anindya has become a singer  since five years ago.

5. Mr. Ratna has taken care of him since he was six months old.

6. Anisa has left for two days.

7. The baby has cried for an hour.

8. he has already washed his car.


5. Look at the pictures below! Then, write the activity in your paper!​


a. My family and Inare watching TV in the living room.

b. My Dad and I are mopping the floor now.

c. Sheila is cooking in the kitchen.

d. My grandmother is washing the dishes.

e. Danu is watering flower right now.

6. Please write 5 big things which you are going to do foryour country in the future ! write on your notebook and take picture it!​


1. Provide home shelters for homeless people across the country.

2. Create varieties of working space for Indonesian people.

3. Renovate all run down schools across the country.

4. Build free hospitals in every village in the country.

5. Catch all the corruptors and sentence them to a lifetime prison.

7. Task 4 Look at the picture and make sentence based on the time givenl write in your assignment book!​



8. susun kalimat. the answer on write notebook your

write the aswer on your notebookwrite the answer on your notebook

9. I write the new words in ....notebook.


I write the new words in the notebook


S + V1 + Noun clause (Object)

//Semoga membantu.

10. Activity 3 Look at the picture and write 10 sentences about it. You may prepositions in your sentences. ​


The bank is next to the floristThe fruit shop is between school and the deliThe butcher and baker are on the same streetIf you go straight from the library you will find restaurantThe fish shop is in front of central parkThe Library and the fish shop is next to each other.You can find the central park on the main roadThe butcher is on station roadThe baker is in the corner of station road and middle streetThe bank is located in t-junction


Vocab that used:

In front of = didepan

Between = diantara

T-junction = pertigaan

Next to = sebelah

Next to each other = bersebelahan

Learn more about preposition and present tense:

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)

11. Write about corona virus in English in 10 sentences! It describe the definition and the situation nowadays! And what should you do to help the medical personnel? You can write it in soft file or write on your notebook and take photo then send it to me ... ​

Jawaban:the number of corona positives has now begun to increase. it would be nice to avoid the crowds to reduce the number of corona patients


12. Write the 10 passive voice on your notebook ​


1.The house is cleaned by Rita once a week

2.Right now, the novel is being written by Den

3.The car was repaired by Doni yesterday

4.That beach has been visited by many tourists

5.The food is going to be cooked by Melly tonight

6.Many cars had been repaired by Romi before he received his mechanic’s licens

7.The plant is watered by Sindy every two days

8.The book was read by Gina yesterday.

9.The house is going to be sold

10.A party will be held by Rendi

13. please complete these following sentences. write them in neat and accurate handwriting on your notebook.

write this in your notebook, carefully and proceed with caution.

14. write sentences in your notebook about the pictures. use might be, must be, and cant be​


the one on the bottom left must be a mask.

the top middle one might be a pan or a bowl.

the top right can't be a necklace.


15. 1. Please read the conversation in the Task 3 and write down the expression of Congratulation had written there on your notebook!2. Please read the conversation in the Task 4 and write down the expressions of Congratulation and hope had written there on your notebook!​


1. Silakan baca percakapan di Tugas 3 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat yang telah tertulis di buku catatan Anda!

2. Bacalah percakapan pada Tugas 4 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat dan Harapan yang tertulis di sana di buku catatanmu!

percakapan nya mana?

16. Learn the section listening about congratulations, write and find out the meaning of difficult words at least 10. Do it in your notebook. ​

Nothing lasts forever, neither happiness nor pain. One day we will come to the point of laughing at a feeling that used to hurt, or crying over a feeling that used to be beautiful.

Maybe some of you have tried the Double Date. Yep, where are you going to take your girlfriend for a date with your friend and his girlfriend. But what happens if it's your ex who asked you to double date?

17. please compelite these following sentaces write them in neat and accurate handwriting on your notebook

tolong selesaikan ini dengan kalimat ditulis dengan rapi dan pasti dengan tulisan tangan di atas buku catatan mu

18. Look ann's answer in exercices 1 write sentence about ann and your selft

tulis jawabanmu di latihan 1 dan tulis tentang dirimu

19. Apa arti dari,look at your english book and open the book page 8 chapte 1 make a paragraph about introducing yourself and write it in your exercise book


Yang Arti Nya:lihat buku bahasa Inggris Anda dan buka halaman buku 8 bab 1 buat paragraf tentang memperkenalkan diri dan tulis di buku latihan Anda


Tidak Ada

Jawaban: Artinya : Perhatikan buku bahasa Inggrismu halaman 8 bagian 1, buatlah sebuah paragraf tentang pengenalan dirimu sendiri dan kerjakan di buku tugas

Penjelasan: seperti itu, simple aja

20. Look and write.[tex]look \: and \: write[/tex]​


1. head

2. finger

3. back

4. stomach

5. leg

6. toes

7. foot

8. arm

9. shoulder

10. neck


maaf kalau salah

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