Selasa, 16 Mei 2023

Cine A Creat Scoala

Cine A Creat Scoala

creat a short dialogue

1. creat a short dialogue

Tony : Son
Peter : I Don't fell so good
Peter : I Don't wanna go
Tony : No No Noo
Peter : I am sorry
Tony : Oh my god

Salman : hello Nia how are you ?
Nia : i'm fine thank you, and you?
Salman : i'm fine too thank you. Where are you doing ?
Nia : i'm going to the library. What about you where you going ?
Salman : me too, let's go together !
Nia : of course , let's go!

2. Apa arti dari Creat a rectangler?​


Dibuat dalam bentuk persegi panjang?


Semoga membantu ^_^

3. creat a conversation about congratulations​


A: Hey, I heard you won the singing competition is it true?

B: Yes it is

A: Congratulations!

B: That was nice of you to say so thank you

A:hi friend congratulations on your wedding day
B:Thank’s friend
A:I hope your family always happy

Kira”seperti ini maaf kalau salah

4. creat an example narratife teks​


membuat contoh teks naratif


maaf yah cuma di artikan aja

5. how to creat a well background of study

bagaimana menciptakan latar belakang belajar yang baik

6. creat your funny story

Wrong email address:A couple going on vacation but his wife was on a business trip so he went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day.When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.Unfortunately, when typing her address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:Dearest Wife,
Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.P.S. Sure is hot down here.There was once a priest, in urgent need to use the bathroom, walks into a local bar. The bar is jumping with loud music and lively conversation, but every few minutes the lights abruptly go off. Every time the lights go off, the bar crowd bursts into loud whoops and applause, but when they see the priest enter the bar, the place becomes absolutely quiet.
The priest walks over to the bartender and asks, "Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?" "Sure, but I have to warn you, father, there's a statue of a naked woman inside and she is only wearing a piece of fig leaf." "No problem, I'll just avert my eyes." Said the priest.
The bartender then shows the priest to the far side of the bar where the bathroom is located. After a short while, the priest comes out of the bathroom and the bar crowd pauses only long enough to give him a rousing cheer. Perplexed, he goes over to the bartender and asks, "I'm puzzled. Why did they cheer for me as I came out of the bathroom?" "Well, father, it's because your curiosity has made you human and likeable, just like us," said the bartender. "May I pour you a drink?"
"No, thank you, but I'm still puzzled..." said the priest.
"You see, father," chuckles the bartender, "Every time somebody moves the fig leaf on the naked woman statue, the bar lights go off. Now, what do you say to that drink?"

7. Creat a dialogue based on the following situation


membuat dialog berdasarkan situasi berikut

8. how to creat a gmail account

1. Open Browser (Google chrome, mozilla firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
2. On address bar, type ""
3. Click sign-up option, and fill all the required columns such as your full name, date of birth, your future g-mail address, your phone number, etc.
4. After you complete the registration, click next option.
5. Now you already have your own gmail account Ans:
Here's how:
1. Open the Sign-up page using this link: []
2. Type in the information Google requires to register your new Gmail account.
3. Click next step at the bottom of the page.
4. A pop-up showing Google's Terms of Service appears, make sure you read the ToS thoroughly.
5. You cannot use Google's Gmail service if you disagree with their ToS, so your only choice is to click the blue 'I agree' button.
6. Google may or may not ask you to verify your account; if they do, insert your phone number and choose either 'Text message (SMS)' or 'Voice call'.
7. If you choose 'Text message (SMS)', Google will send you an SMS containing a six-digit code; if you choose 'Voice call', Google will send you a voice message trough a phone-call.
8. Type in the six-digit code and click 'Continue'.
9. You are now able to use your new Gmail account.

9. creat a shot dialogue about expression of agreeing​


Yes, I agree with your opinion to do monthly community service

10. ikon creat warped text berada pada toolbar adalah


gunanya, untuk mengatur Position dari teks tersebut dengan objek lainnya, seperti teks dengan gambar atau teks dengan teks, agar posisi teks dengan objek lain tidak berantakan


Semoga Membantu:-)

11. Creat a simple conversation of making sweet tea

Millie: "I'm thirsty, Rie"
Rie: "Well, i may make a cup of tea for you"
Millie: "Really? if so, please put one or two spoon sugar, i love a sweet one, and thank you so much, Rie!"abel : Hi jhon , want you to make a sweet tea with me ....

John : Of course , I Like sweet tea

Abel : Okey , let's make it ... first , we must go to the market for buying sugar , because my sugar had been empty .Then , we go to my home to make it

John : Okey , c'mon ....

Abel and John go to the market for buying sugar to make the sweet tea

I hope it can help you ^_^

12. code use to creat hyperlink​


To make a hyperlink in an HTML page, use the <a> and </a> tags, which are the tags used to define the links. The <a> tag indicates where the hyperlink starts and the </a> tag indicates where it ends. Whatever text gets added inside these tags, will work as a hyperlink. Add the URL for the link in the <a href=” ”>.


Jawaban terbaik


<a> dan </a>


<a> menunjukan dimana hyperlink dimulai , </a> menunjukan dimana hyperlink berakhir

13. Jika ingin mengubah nama field yang telah dibuat adalah.... a home - datasheet view b home - design view c creat - query design d creat - form wizart e creat - query wizart

Jika ingin mrngubah nama field yang telah dibuat adalah B.Home-Design New


Microsoft Access adalah sebuah program aplikasi basis data komputer relasional. Microsoft merilis Microsoft Access 1.0 pada bulan November 1992 dan dilanjutkan dengan merilis versi 2.0 pada tahun 1993. Microsoft menentukan spesifikasi minimum untuk menjalankan Microsoft Access 2.0 adalah sebuah komputer dengan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows 3.0, RAM berkapasitas 4 megabyte dan ruangan kosong hard disk yang dibutuhkan 8 megabyte.

Aplikasi ini menggunakan mesin basis data Mucrosoft Jet Database Engine dan juga menggunakan tampilan grafis yang intuitif sehingga memudahkan pengguna.

Salah satu keunggulan Microsoft Access dilihat dari perspektif programmer adalah kompatibilitasnya dengan bahasa pemrograman Structured Query Language (SQL), query dapat dilihat dan disunting sebagai statemen-statemen SQL dan statemen SQL dapat digunakan secara langsung di dalam Macro dan VBA Module untuk secara langsung memanipulasi tabel data dalam Accsess.

Bahasa pemrograman yang tersedia di dalam Access adalah Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Data Access Object (DAO) dan ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang pengertian Microsoft Access: tentang kegunaan Microsoft Access : tentang menu untuk membuka aplikasi Microsoft Access :

Detil Jawaban

Kelas : XI (SMA)

Mapel : TIK

Bab : Mengelola basis data

Kode : 11.11.10

Kata Kunci : Microsoft Access

14. pertanyaan tentang how to creat facebook acount

1. pergi ke
2. Jika Kamu Melihat Formulir Pendaftaran, Mengisi nama , alat email . nomor telepon , password , ulang tahun dan gender. Jika anda tidak melihat bentuk , klik sing up , kemudian mengisi formulir. 
3. Klik Sing Up 

15. Creat a dialogue using , ot invitation and Respons​


Artinya adalah : Buat dialog menggunakan , atau undangan dan tanggapan


maaf y klau salah

16. creat a dialogue page 70 bahasa inggris kelas 11

maaf baru kelas 8
sorry i class eight

17. creat a short dialogues telling what you did yesterday.

ya itu tergantung kemarin apa yg kamu lakukan . kl misalnya kmrn km sklh trs dgn jam pulang siang kmdn smp dirumah km ganti pakaian dan tdr siang sbaiknya gini:yesterday I was in school with daytime curfew. then after I got home I change clothes and take a nap. kl salah..

18. creat announcement about covid 19​



As of 06 April 2020, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has reported 2 491 confirmed cases and 209 deaths related to COVID-19, while 192 patients have recovered from the disease. WHO is working with the Indonesian Government to monitor the situation and prevent further spread of disease.

This page shares information on coronavirus disease and advice for the public on how to keep healthy and prevent the spread of illness in Indonesia.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Republic of Indonesia has taken actions to enhance response efforts for COVID-19 in Indonesia, referring to WHO interim guidance on the novel coronavirus. Please see the links below for MoH COVID-19 related information.

19. creat short dialogue about comforting​

A greatsoul serves everyoneall the time.

A greatsoul never dies.

it bring us together again and again

sorryif my answeris wrong ^^

20. creat a short dialog 1 you great your to friends

A : Hello my friends!!, what are you doing?

B : Hi!! nothing, just see the blues sky

A : So... what you see?

B : I saw a rabbit-shaped cloud

A : where??

B : It was there.. do you see that?

A : Wow.. i see that

(jangan lupa pilih sebagai jawaban terbaik ya:))

A: heyya
B: whatsup?
A: warning global warming, do u have a girl for me?
B: for wHt?
A:cuz I wanna to have a girl in my beside
B: and about global warming
A: yeah never mind, whatcha doing
B: five, four, seven, ten, one, three idk. Do u really care? What I do
A: not really, just a question
B:well I have to go, seeya

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