Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

Each Of The Following Sentences Has A Mistake

Each Of The Following Sentences Has A Mistake

complete each of the sentences below with one of the following expressions ​

Daftar Isi

1. complete each of the sentences below with one of the following expressions ​


1. little

2. a few

3. few

4. little

5. a few

6. little

7. few

8. a few

9. a little

10. few

11. little

12. a few


a few (untuk countable noun) dan a little (untuk uncountable noun) kita pergunakan ketika menekankan bahwa ada sejumlah kecil dari sesuatu. (tidak dibicarakan apakah itu cukup atau tidak)

few (untuk countable noun) dan little kita pergunakan untuk menekankan bahwa jumlah itu kurang dari semestinya/kurang dari yang diharapkan.

Smeoga bermanfaat

2. Directions: Each of the following sentences has an error in the use of comparative or superlative adjectives. Identify the error and correct it.​


1.my bed is more bigger than my desk

2.usain bolt can run faster than me

3.you are more generous than my brother

4.of all our luggage,mine is heavier

5.Michalengo's David is the most realistic statue I have ever seen


semoga membantu

have a great day

3. combine the each of the following sentences of simple sentences into one complex sentencetlg dibantu yaa

no. 7. there is heavy rain here so grapes will not grow in such place
8. it may rain then the match will be cancelled
9. I will wait here so you finish dressing
10. Jason decided to stay late because he had a lot of homework to do.7 Because there is heavy rainfall here, grapes will not grow in such places.
8 It may rain so the match will be cancelled.
9 I will wait here until you you finish dressing.
10 Jason decided to stay up late because he had a lot of homework to do.

4. the following sentences are in passive, but there is a mistake in every sentence. Correct the sentences​

Jawaban:4. Most motorcycles are imported from abroad 5. The victims were taken to the hospital this morning

PEMBAHASAN Perintah soal

“the following sentences are in passive, but there is a mistake in every sentence. Correct the sentences“

Berikut adalah kalimat Pasif tapi ada yang salah dalam kalimatnya. Perbaiki kalimatnya.

No.4 Menggunakan Rumus Present Tense

➡ Karena menyatakan kebenaran umum bahwa “memang banyak motor didatangkan dari luar negri.” jadi berikut pola yang seharusnya:

(+) S + Be (is/am/are) + V3

Most motorcycles are imported from abroad


Subject jamak “motorcycle(s)”Maka gunakan Be Present “are” ✔️Bukan Be “is” ❌

No.5 menggunakan Rumus Past Tense

➡ karena dalam kalimatnya terdapat keterangan waktu lampau “this morning” yang Artinya “tadi pagi.” jadi berikut pola yang seharusnya:

(+) S + Be (was/were) + V3

The victims were taken to the hospital this morning


Subject jamak “victim(s)”Maka gunakan Be Past “were” ✔️Bukan Be Present “are” ❌

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPassive Voice:

* brainly.co.id/tugas/24510180

* brainly.co.id/tugas/24461329

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Passive VoiceLevel: SHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense, Past Tense

5. Rewrite each of the following sentences Twice with because,because of or due to.


1. Gary got in trouble because he has a bed temper.

Gary got in trouble because of his bad temper.

2. Many people has died this summer because of the hot weather.

Many people has died this summer because the weather is hot.

3. I want to go to a tourism academy because I am greatly interested in food and beverages.

I want to go to a tourism academy because of my great interest in food and beverages.

4. This closed road is due to yesterday's flood.

This road is closed because there was a flood yesterday.



Because, because of, dan due to adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan suatu alasan (reason) atau sebab (cause).

Meskipun ketiganya berarti karena/dikarenakan, ada perbedaan dalam penggunaannya.

Because adalah sebuah subordinating conjunction karena itu because harus diikuti sebuah klausa (S + verb).

Contoh pada no 2

Many people has died this summer because the weather is hot.

the weather ➞ subject

is ➞ verb

Because of dan due to adalah preposition. Oleh karena itu because of dan due to harus diikuti oleh kata benda yang berfungsi sebagai objek.

Many people has died this summer because of the hot weather.

The hot weather ➞ benda

Because of vs Due to

Because of memodifikasi kata kerja sedangkan due to memodifikasi kata benda karena due adalah sebuah adjective.

Jadi, due to digunakan setelah "to be".

Contoh penggunaan due to pada no 4

This closed road is due to yesterday's flood.

Is adalah be dalam bentuk present.

Tetapi perlu diingat bahwa penggunaan due to yang seperti ini adalah penggunaan secara tradisional. Dalam konteks modern, penggunaan because of dan due to tidak ada bedanya.


Learn more about because of and due to:


Learn more about cause and effect:




Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Cause and Effect

Level: SHS XI

Code: 11.5.4

Keywords: cause and effect, reason, because, because of, due to

6. Identify the pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb in each of the following sentences! The band played all evening

The  band  played  all evening

The = determiner

band = noun

played = verb

all evening = adverb of time.


Parts of Speech adalah kelas kata untuk menganalisis kalimat dan memahaminya. Berikut ini rincian tentang 9 parts of speech.

1. Verb

Verb menggambarkan pernyataan atau tindakan.

Contoh kata: like, eat, to (be), can, write.

Contoh kalimat: He likes singing. I eat watermelon.

2. Noun

Noun menggambarkan benda atau orang.

Contoh kata: bed, bag, mother, police, wall, Surabaya.

Contoh kalimat: The photo is on the wall.

3. Adjective

Adjective menggambarkan lebih detail tentang suatu benda.

Contoh kata: interesting, good, nice, yellow.

Contoh kalimat: The movie is interesting. It is a good song.

4. Adverb

Adverb menjelaskan tentang kata kerja, kata sifat, dan keterangan.

Contoh kata: really, very, well, always, carefully, beautifully.

Contoh kalimat: I always come on time. She sings beautifully.

5. Pronoun

Pronoun berperan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun).

Contoh kata: she, they, this, some, I, it

Contoh kalimat: I like English. It is really interesting.

6. Determiner

Determiner berperan untuk membatasi atau menentukan suatu kata benda (noun).

Contoh kata: a, the, an, many, some

Contoh kalimat: Many students are in the class. I have an idea.

7. Preposition

Preposition berperan untuk menghubungkan suatu kata benda dengan kata yang lainnya.

Contoh kata: at, after, on, before, in

Contoh kalimat: The meeting will be held on Friday. The teacher is in the class.

8. Conjunction

Conjunction berperan untuk menghubungkan klausa, kalimar, atau kata.

Contoh kata: yes, but, although, however, when.

Contoh kalimat: I was studying when my father came.

9. Interjection

Interjecion merupakan seruan pendek, terkadang dimasukkan dalam kalimat.

Contoh kata: Oh! Hi! Well, ouch!.

Contoh kalimat: Well, I don't understand. Hi! How have you been?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Analisis kalimat "my brother owns a new house": https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8869294

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Parts of Speech

Kode: 10.5

Kata kunci: parts, speech, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb

7. Direction: Each of the following sentences contains an error. Find and correct the error. 1.Mary has fresh egg available because she raises chickens in her yard



Maaf kalau salah...


now andesten perlu balajar lagi

8. identify the adverb clauses in the following sentences and tell the kind of each adverb clause

1. tanaman akan tumbuh bila hujan turun terus-menerus
2.tanah ini cocok untuk tanaman yg tumbuh karena itu akan subur

3. pohon itu teduh, untuk beberapa waktu petani akan beristirahat dibawahnya
4.jangan menganggu dia, apapun yg dia lakukan
5.sangat deras hujan turun, sungai itu akan menyebabkan banjir
6. pohon akan tumbuh dimana mereka ditanam
7.setiap yg terjadi, pasti telah diharapkan
8. pemerintah bertanya kepada petani beras, untuk segera menanam beras, karena disana stok nya tidak cukup
9. irlandia terkenal dengan perkebunan kentang. namun dimusnahkan oleh org tdk tanggung jawab
10. tanaman itu menghancurkan tanaman lain, jika mereka tdk membunuh lagi
11. buah-buahan akan cepat membusuk karena ,terdiri dari banyak air
12.banyak gula yg dimasukkan ke dalam jus,sebagai perasa nyaSubject : English
Category : Adverbial Clause

An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb. It means that an adverbial clause modifies an adjective, a verb or verb phrase, or other adverb.

Answers :
8. adverb clause of condition
9. adverb clause of reason
10. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
11. adverb clause of condition
12. adverb clause of comparison degree
13. adverb clause of cause and effect
14. adverb clause of place
15. adverb clause of manner
16. adverb clause of time
17. adverb clause of time
18. adverb clause of condition
19. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
20. adverb clause of concession

9. write four sentences to describe each of the following animals an bat and goat ​

bat: 1.mamals, 2. it has a wings,3.it has a fangs,4.nocturnal

goat:1.mamals,2.has a four legs,3.has a horn,4.produce milk

10. find the value of each of the following 0.8% of 4.5m​


we can use the formula:

percentage/100 x value = result

So, for this case:

0.8/100 x 4,500,000 = 36,000

Therefore, 0.8% of 4.5 million is equal to 36,000.

11. bantu yang. given below are few sentences from the previous text . each sentence has a spelling mistake . write the correct spelling in the space provided. "makasi"

1. first make using two sticks
2. cut notch....

12. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate​

a. flowers(s) withered(p)

b. barbara(s) was stung(p)

c. dog(s) leaped(p)

d. jonh and i(s) were (p)

e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)

f. the door(s) the shed....(p)

g .i(s) had.(p)

h.the boy(s) shot(p)

i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)

j.the tree(s) grew(p)

13. Write 2 (two) sentences about the fact of each of the following: a. Rainy season b. the moon c. plant Tlg dijwb yaa


A. rainy season

rainy season or wet season is a season characterized by increased rainfall in a region than usual

B. the moon




soryy can only answer numbers one




14. Consider the nouns in each of the following sentences Jason enjoyed the movie about France. a) Jason b) Enjoyed c) About France


c) About France


Dikarenakan nama dari sebuah kota merupakan salah satu contoh dari noun (kata benda). (Because the name of a city (France) is one of the examples of noun)

Contoh noun (kata benda) lainnya adalah benda fisik (house, pool, car, glass, cup, floor),city (kota),month (bulan),dan lain-lain.

15. for each of the following sentences, indetify and write the adjective!bantuin pls...​

beautifulbigGermanexpensive (a lot of expensive)blackfunnyyounglonginterestingsilly

There you have it.



2. Big

2. Big3. German

2. Big3. German4. Expensive

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black6. Funny

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black6. Funny7. Young

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black6. Funny7. Young8. Long

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black6. Funny7. Young8. Long9. Interesting

2. Big3. German4. Expensive5. Black6. Funny7. Young8. Long9. Interesting10. Silly


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya kak

16. rewrite each of the following sentences twices with because, because of or due to. 1)gary has a bad temper. that is why he got in trouble



⇔With Because

1. Gary got in trouble because he has a bad temper.

With Because of

2. Gary got in trouble because of his bad temper.

With Due to

3. Getting trouble was due to Gary's bad temper.


Because , because of and due to are kinds of cause -effect conjunction. Even though, they have similar function to reflect the cause and effect, they have different structure in the sentence.

Because is a subordinate conjunction. When we use "because, " it must be followed by a clause. A Clause contains subject and verb or we can say the incomplete sentence.

Here is the pattern of using "Because"

..........Because + clause

Example :

She didn't come to school yesterday because she was sick.

He got stomachache because he ate too much spicy foods.


Based on the example given, it's clear enough that "because" is followed by a clause or a sentence " she was sick &  he ate too much spicy foods."

"Because of " is a preposition, which describes its verb.  When we use "Because of, "it must be followed by a noun/noun phrase, pronoun and gerund.

Here is the pattern of using "Because of"

..........because of + noun phrase/pronoun/gerund.

Example :

Because  of + noun phrase

Ronald didn't come to the party because of the heavy rain.

George stayed at home because of his headache.


Based on the example given,   "the heavy rain" ( hujan lebat )  and "his headache" are  noun phrases. It's clear enough that the preposition "because of" must be followed by a noun phrase and it describes their verbs ( why did George stay at home & why didn't Ronald come )

Because + pronoun

It's because of me, he got the accident.

She lost her job because of us.


Based on the example given, it's clear enough that "because of" is followed by pronoun "me" and "us." It describes their verbs "why did he get the accident & why did she lose her job ."

Because of + gerund

Because of getting the first rank, she got the present from her parents.

Because of feeling sad, he didn't want to meet me.


Based on the example given, it's clear enough that "because of " is followed by gerund forms "getting & feeling." Gerund is the form of the verb-ing  used as the noun. Gerund form is attached after writing the certain preposition "of."

"Due to" is used as an adjective, which describes its noun. The main identification of using " due to " is commonly put after tobe (is/am/are) and followed by noun/noun phrase.

Here is the pattern of using "due to"

.....tobe (is/am/are) + due to........


The football match cancellation was due to the mass chaos.

The flight delay was due to the bad weather.


Based on the example given, it's clear enough that "due to" is put after the linking verb or it describes nouns "the football match cancellation & the plane delay."


For more information, learn about the related topics

brainly.co.id/tugas/14132431 ( because, because of, due to )

brainly.co.id/tugas/23430943 ( similar exercise )

Detail Answer

Level        : Shs  ( 11)

Subject    : English

Category : Parts of speech

Code       : 5

Categorization : 11.5.4

Keywords : because of ; because ; due to ; cause and effect

17. factorise each of the following completely​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]a. \: {x}^{2} + 8x - 20 \\ \: \: \: \: \: {x}^{2} + 10x - 2x - 20 \\ \: \: \: \: \: x(x + 10) - 2(x + 10) \\ \: \: \: \: \: (x + 10)(x - 2) \\ \\ b. \: 2 {x}^{2} - 5x + 2 \\ \: \: \: \: \: 2 {x}^{2} - x - 4x + 2 \\ \: \: \: \: \: x(2x - 1) - 2(2x - 1) \\ \: \: \: \: \: (2x - 1)(x - 2) [/tex]

Semoga membantu ^_^

18. the following sentences are in passive there is a mistake in avery sentence correct the sentences​


1. A new hotel will open next week

2. Prince Diponegoro was born in 1785

3. The missing boy couldn't be found anywhere

4.Most motorcycles are imported from abroad

5. The victims were taken to the hospital this morning

maaf kalo salah

19. Solve each of the following questions​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

ada pada gambar, semoga paham dan bermanfaat :)

20. Each of the students (has, have) a notebook​


each of the students have a note book


digunakan have karena subjek nya jamak/atau lebih dari satu


Each of the students has a notebook​.



Subject verb agreement adalah persetujuan antara subject kalimat dengan predikat kalimat.

Dalam tata bahasa Inggris, kata kerja suatu kalimat harus sesuai dengan subjek kalimat.

Jika subjek tunggal maka kata kerja juga harus tunggal, sedangkan jika subjek jamak, kata kerja juga dalam bentuk jamak.


The girl is pretty.

The girls are pretty.

The dog barks.

The dogs bark.

Jika subjek berupa sebuah noun phrase, kita harus menentukan dulu mana yang berupa head noun dan apakah head noun tersebut singular atau plural.


One of the boys is tall.

Subjeknya tunggal (one), maka kata kerjanya juga bentuk tunggal.

Two of the boys are tall.  

Subjeknya jamak (two), maka kata kerjanya juga bentuk jamak.



Subjek kalimat pada soal berupa noun phrase each of the students.

Each berarti setiap. Jadi, subjek kalimat tersebut merujuk pada benda tunggal. Maka, kata kerja yang sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut juga harus dalam bentuk tunggal yaitu has.


Learn more about subject verb agreement:






Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Subject-Verb Agreement

Level: JHS

Code: 5

Keywords: subject, verb, singular, plural, agreement


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