Rabu, 03 Mei 2023

Work In Pairs Ask And Answer The Questions

Work In Pairs Ask And Answer The Questions

work in pairs in turns,ask and answer the following questions.​

Daftar Isi

1. work in pairs in turns,ask and answer the following questions.​

1. I usually eat out with my family
2. About once a week
3. I usually do it on the Sunday
4. My favorite family’s restaurant is Japanese restaurant, because my parents half Japanese
5. My family’s favorite food is Sushi

2. Activity 2 work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions ​

1. around the product

2. Yes, to know how to consume it and the dosis

3. The ingdigriends and the dosis

4. How to consume the product

5. Yeah ofcourse, because it will tell u the dosis and how to use it if not then it will be a bad thing

#jadikan yang terbaik ya hyunggs, cemungut kaka:'

3. work in pairs. look at the pictures. ask and answer

Tolong bagian soalnya dikasih fotonya yang mengenai party

4. work in pairs ask and answer questions about the monologs in activity 15 do it in turns ?tolong bantu jawabb ya!!!​


pukimay anjieng



bekerja berpasangan bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang monolog dalam kegiatan 15 lakukan secara bergiliran


semoga bermanfaat buat anda

5. Look at the picture. in pairs, ask and answer questions based on the pictures using present perfect tense​


Lihat gambarnya. secara berpasangan, bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar menggunakan present perfect tense

6. Work in pairs. read the riddles below with the correct intonation and pronunciation. answer the following questions​


1) Snail

2) Rain

3) Candle

4) Temperature

5) Clock

6) Stamp

7) Your name


Riddleatau teka teki adalah sejenis puisi di mana menjabarkan sesuatu tanpa menyuratkan secara gamblang apa yang sedang dimaksudkan dan membekas rasa penasaram dalam benak para pembaca. Tidak ada struktur khusus dalam penyajian "Riddle" karena temanya bebas. Tujuan komunikatif Riddle adalah untuk melatih ketangkasan otak.


1) Apa yang punya telapak kaki, namun nggak punya kaki.

Jawabannya : Snail

➥ Siput/Keong kalo jalan mirip telapak kaki.

2) Apa yang turun tapi nggak pernah naik.

Jawabannya : Rain

➥ Kalo hujan pasti airnya turun ke bawah, ke bumi

3) Saya tinggi kalo muda dan pendek ketika tua.

Jawabannya : Candle

➥ Lilin kalo fresh dikeluarin dari wadahnya pasti batangnya masih tinggi dan kemudian jadi pendek meleleh ketika dibakar lilinnya.

4) Apa yang naik ketika hujan turun.

Jawabannya : Temperature

➥ Kalo hujan turun, suhu pasti tambah dingin

5) Apa yang punya banyak tangan tapi nggak bisa bertepuk-tepuk

Jawabannya : Clock

➥ Jam dinding punya tiga jarum yg seperti tangan dan nggak bisa bertepuk tangan.

6) Apa yang keliling dunia, namun hanya menetap di satu tempat.

Jawabannya : Stamp

➥ Perangko surat selalu nempel di amplop surat dan dibawa ke mana-mana.

7) Apa yang menjadi milikmu, namun digunakan banyak orang.

Jawabannya : Your name

➥ Namamu pasti ada yang kembar digunakan oleh orang lain juga.


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Grade : XI

Subject : English

Category : Understanding the context, Riddle

Code : 11.5

Keywords : Riddle

7. in pairs,ask and answer questions based on the schedule

keduanya, bertanya dan jawab pertanyaaan yang ada di jadwal

semoga translatenya membantu ^.^

8. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. 1. Where do you usually find the table?


i usually find the table in the classroom, teacher's room, and office

9. Activity 9. Work in pairs. Ask your partner the following questions. He/she is to answer them base the picture.​


itu harus ada pasangannya dan ini mendiskusikan gambar

10. Н Work in pairs and take turns to ask questions, by using the pictures provided​


what? i don,t now sorryyy


what? where is the question?


sorry to offend

11. Artinya Work in pairs look at the cards and then answer the questions


"Bekerjalah dengan pasangan, liat kartunya, dan jawablah pertanyaanya"


12. work in pairs. look at the cards, and the answer the question

1. your friends at vIII b
2. split up and moved places
3. because the senders very miss reno
4. sister of anisah
5. because he wants to congratulate to her sister
6. reading because she loves book

13. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures Use the adjectives in your answer.​

Image 1  A sport consisting of 2 teams and running on a large field and then kicking. Answer: Football player.Image 2animal with long ears, small body and 4 legs and walking by jumping and has 2 front teeth.Answer : It is a rabbit.Image 3Sport with 2 teams by bouncing the ball and putting it in the ring.Answer : Basketball.Image 4Edible, soft and if exposed to heat will turn into liquid.Answer : It is a ice cream.Image 5 Big circle, edible and lots of meat topping.Answer : Pizza.Image 6sweet, edible, in various forms, and much like by adults and children.Answer : chocolate.Image 7Leaves that are placed in a bag and can change color when exposed to water.Answer : Tea bagImage 84-legged animals are not wild but cute and very spoiled, have long and short tails.Answer : it's a catImage 9 Musical instrument size is not too big and is played by picking.Answer : Guitar musical instrument.Image 10Edible, usually on birthdays and blowing candles.Answer : Birthday cake.

Pembahasan :

Adjektiva atau kata sifat adalah suatu kata yang mengubah nomina atau pronomina, biasanya dengan menjelaskannya atau membuatnya menjadi lebih spesifik. Kata sifat dapat menerangkan kuantitas, kecukupan, urutan, kualitas, maupun penekanan suatu kata. Contoh kata sifat antara lain adalah keras, jauh, dan kaya.

Fungsi kata sifat atau adjektiva sendiri biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan sifat atau keadaan suatu objek. Objek yang digunakan juga terbilang begitu beragam seperti manusia, binatang, tumbuhan dan juga benda lainnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pengertian kata



14. in pairs,ask and answer questions based on the schedule

1. what time does Erlin wake up and make her bed?
2.what does Erlin do at 5:30a.m- 6:am?
3. What time does Erlin ride her bicycle and enjoy a car free day?
4.what time does Erlin arrive at home and have a rest?
5.What is Erlin doing at 9.a.m -11a.m?
6.what time Erlin prepare lunch?
7. what time Erlin have lunch?

jawabannya sudah ada didalam tabel , tinggal isi waktunya di no 1,3,4,6,7 dan kegiatannya di no 2,5

15. in pairs, answer the following questions​


waitt , but where's the question?

16. in pairs ask and answer questions about the pletures using present perfect tense ?​


1) A:Has he ridden a motorcyle?

B:No, he hasn't

2) A:Have you gone to snorkel?

B:Yes, i have

3) A:Has he made a cake?

B:No, he hasn't

4) A:Has she climbed a mountain

B:Yes, she has

5) A:Have they travelled by train?

B:Yes, they have

17. work in pairs read the following text then answer the questions correctlytolong plis​


1. Instruction text

2. An AC wall outlet and a remote

3. Simply

4. By pressing the channel buttons or using a remote

5. A remote

6. Plug the cable

7. By pressing the channel buttons or using a remote

8. Enjoy the show on the television

9. Guide

10. Five

18. Work in pairs listen to the questions and write down your answer using the expressions of obligation


Ga paham la


19. work in pairs in turns,ask and answer about where you were last weekend

Jawaban:where are you in last weekend,iam from bali

Penjelasan:semoga benar dan dapat membantu

20. Make questions . In pairs , ask and answer


A: Good morning B, how is your day?

B: It's going great, thanks for asking

A: Hey B, did you went to the cinema yesterday?

B: Yes i did, how did you know?

A: I saw you went in


Itu ada 2 q&a, tinggal ganti A dan B jadi nama

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