Jumat, 05 Agustus 2022

Read And Choose Write In Your Notebook

Read And Choose Write In Your Notebook

A. Please, find 5 Imperative sentences (Kalimat Perintah) and write in your notebook!B. Please, find 5 Prohibition sentences (Kalimat Larangan) and write in your notebook!C. Please find 5 sentences of Asking permission and write in your notebook!​

Daftar Isi

1. A. Please, find 5 Imperative sentences (Kalimat Perintah) and write in your notebook!B. Please, find 5 Prohibition sentences (Kalimat Larangan) and write in your notebook!C. Please find 5 sentences of Asking permission and write in your notebook!​


A. go clean your room!

turn on the lights!

close the door!

eat your breakfast!

finish your homework!

B. dont be late

dont run

dont be so annoying

you must not turn left

you must not open the gift

C. can i borrow your pencil?

can i go to the party?

can i please eat your cookie?

can i use the toilet?

can i play with your dogs?


Imperative Sentences

1.Could you get me my coffee please

2.Open the window!

3.Close the door!

4.Could you pass me a sugar

5.Can you take me my notebook

Prohibition sentences

1.Do not park in this area


3.Do not wear innapropiate clothes in this area



Asking Permission sentences

1.May I go to the toilet, please?

2.Could I close the window

3.Is it okay If I sit here?

4.May I use your bathroom?

5.Can I take pictures inside the museum?

2. 1. Please read the conversation in the Task 3 and write down the expression of Congratulation had written there on your notebook!2. Please read the conversation in the Task 4 and write down the expressions of Congratulation and hope had written there on your notebook!​


1. Silakan baca percakapan di Tugas 3 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat yang telah tertulis di buku catatan Anda!

2. Bacalah percakapan pada Tugas 4 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat dan Harapan yang tertulis di sana di buku catatanmu!

percakapan nya mana?

3. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


itu artinya kamu disuruh untuk menulis materi yang telah gurumu berikan di buku mu.


semoga membantu;)

4. let's read And Choosein my house​


lest read and choose in my house:ayo membaca dan memilih di rumah ku.


ayo membaca dan memilih di dlama RuMaH ku :)



5. Learn the section listening about congratulations, write and find out the meaning of difficult words at least 10. Do it in your notebook. ​

Nothing lasts forever, neither happiness nor pain. One day we will come to the point of laughing at a feeling that used to hurt, or crying over a feeling that used to be beautiful.

Maybe some of you have tried the Double Date. Yep, where are you going to take your girlfriend for a date with your friend and his girlfriend. But what happens if it's your ex who asked you to double date?

6. Choose one of your favourite song,and listen it.Then write 5 sentences about meaning the song in your life.​


lil dicky - earth


1. we should love the earth like we love ourselves

2. there are plenty of creatures in our earth, let's keep it safe.

3. the only place that could keep us alive is the earth, so we must make it a better place.

4. save our earth from all the worse, so we could stay here healthily.

5. let's live in peaces with all the creatures in this earth.

7. please complete these following sentences. write them in neat and accurate handwriting on your notebook.

write this in your notebook, carefully and proceed with caution.

8. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

ask them b*tch or use your time machine

9. Please write 5 big things which you are going to do foryour country in the future ! write on your notebook and take picture it!​


1. Provide home shelters for homeless people across the country.

2. Create varieties of working space for Indonesian people.

3. Renovate all run down schools across the country.

4. Build free hospitals in every village in the country.

5. Catch all the corruptors and sentence them to a lifetime prison.

10. I write the new words in ....notebook.


I write the new words in the notebook


S + V1 + Noun clause (Object)

//Semoga membantu.

11. Choose and write your narrative text belowA.malin Kundang ​


A legend story from West Sumatra, Indonesia


Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in the seashore with his mother. They were very poor, but they lived quiet and harmonious.


One day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked peoples to join work in their ship and went to the cross island. Malin Kundang wanted to join with them because he wanted to improve his family’s life. But his mother didn’t permit him. She worried to Malin. Malin still kept his argument… and finally he sailed with the bigship.Several years later, Malin Kundang succed and he became rich trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beatiful wife, but his wife didn’t know Malin’s real descent. His happy mother quickly approached Malin and brought a plate of village cake, Malin’s Favorite. But Malin didn’t admit that woman as his poor mother, and then he kicked the village cakewhich brought by his mother until scattered.


His mother very broken heart because MAlin rebellious to her, who had growth him. Then, his mother cursed Malin became stone.Suddenly, the bigship which Malin’s had was vacillated by a big storm and all of his crewman tossed aside out. Malin realized that was his fault that rebellious his mother. He bowed down and became a stone.

Artinya :


Pada jaman dahulu kala, hidup seorang anak rajin bernama Malin Kundang. Dia tinggal di pinggir pantai dengan ibunya. Mereka sangat miskin, tetapi mereka hidup tenang dan harmonis.


Suatu hari, ada sebuah kapal besar tertutup untuk pantai dekat desa mereka. Mereka meminta masyarakat untuk bergabung bekerja di kapal mereka dan pergi ke salib pulau. Malin Kundang ingin bergabung dengan mereka karena ia ingin memperbaiki kehidupan keluarganya. Tapi ibunya tidak mengizinkan dia. Dia khawatir dengan Malin. Malin masih terus dengan tekadnya … dan akhirnya ia berlayar dengan kapal besar tersebut.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, Malin Kundang mengalami sukses dan ia menjadi pedagang kaya. Kemudian, ia datang ke desa asalnya dengan istri cantik, tapi istrinya tidak tahu yang sebenarnya keturunan Malin. Dengan senang ibunya cepat mendekati Malin dan membawa sepiring kue ,kue kesukaan Malin. Tapi Malin tidak mengakui bahwa perempuan itu sebagai ibu yang buruk itu sebagai ibunya, dan kemudian dia menendang kue yang dibawa oleh ibunya sampai tersebar.


Ibunya sangat patah hati karena Malin memberontak padanya, yang memiliki perubahan sangat cepat. Kemudian, ibunya mengutuk Malin menjadi batu. Tiba-tiba , kapal besar itu telah terombang-ambing oleh badai besar dan semua awak nya dicampakkan keluar. Malin menyadari bahwa ini adalah kesalahan yang memberontak ibunya. Kini dia berlutut dan menjadi batu.


Moga2 Dapat membantu ;D


Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, MalinKundang. MalinKundang's father had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.

Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town.

One day, when MalinKundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, MalinKundang defeated the pirates. agreed. The merchant was so happy and asked MalinKundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang

Many years later, MalinKundang became a wealthty merchant, with a huge ship, loads of

trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach.

The villagersreconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: MalinKundang became a rich

man and now he is here. His mother, in deepfulsadnees after years of loneliness, ran to the beach

to meet her beloved son again.

When the mother came, MalinKundang, in front of his well dressed wife, his crews and own gloriness, his own denied to meet that old, poor and dirty woman. For three times she begged MalinKundang and for three times yelled at him. At last MalinKundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!" Then he ordered his crews to set sail

Enraged, she cursed MalinKundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize.

Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for MalinKundang to apologized. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone.


Semoga membantu

tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas pliss

12. How can you learn about your family' s pasti? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same?

Ok i write now . My family live on Kab Bogor , Me is brother for one sister And my father is first kid for four brothers . And my grandfather is one because my grandfather's my mother is dead on year 2017

13. susun kalimat. the answer on write notebook your

write the aswer on your notebookwrite the answer on your notebook

14. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

artinya adalah = bagaimana anda bisa belajar tentang masa lalu keluarga anda? tuliskan berbagai cara di buku catatan anda. kemudian cepat baca teksnya. apakah jawaban anda sama.

semoga membantu

15. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


tuliskan materi didalam bukumu


maaf kalau salah

16. please compelite these following sentaces write them in neat and accurate handwriting on your notebook

tolong selesaikan ini dengan kalimat ditulis dengan rapi dan pasti dengan tulisan tangan di atas buku catatan mu

17. Write the 10 passive voice on your notebook ​


1.The house is cleaned by Rita once a week

2.Right now, the novel is being written by Den

3.The car was repaired by Doni yesterday

4.That beach has been visited by many tourists

5.The food is going to be cooked by Melly tonight

6.Many cars had been repaired by Romi before he received his mechanic’s licens

7.The plant is watered by Sindy every two days

8.The book was read by Gina yesterday.

9.The house is going to be sold

10.A party will be held by Rendi

18. write sentences in your notebook about the pictures. use might be, must be, and cant be​


the one on the bottom left must be a mask.

the top middle one might be a pan or a bowl.

the top right can't be a necklace.


19. choose one of the topics to reflect and write your diary on

First day at school, homeworks today, problems that you have, friends, etc

20. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

artinya adalah Bagaimana Anda bisa belajar tentang masa lalu keluarga Anda? Tuliskan berbagai cara di buku catatan Anda. Lalu, cepat baca teksnya. Apakah jawaban Anda sama.

detailnya : pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan tentang bagaimana anda belajar masa lalu keluarga anda.tuliskan di buku catatan anda.lalu bacakan di depan teman teman anda.setelah membaca,apakah cerita anda ada yang mirip dengan teman anda?

semoga membantu...jgn lupa follow y...jdkan jwban ter brainly...bagaimana kamu mempelajari hal tentang keluargamu yang lalu?
tulis dibawah jalan yang berbeda di buku catatanmu. lalu, secepatnya baca teks nya. apakah jawabanmu sama.

itulah terjemahannya

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