Sabtu, 20 Mei 2023

A Place Sau A Placea

A Place Sau A Placea

to-cinema-A-films-see-a-is-place.a. A cinema is films to see a placeb. A place to films is a place see filmsc. A place to see films a cinema isd. A cinema is a place to see films​

Daftar Isi

1. to-cinema-A-films-see-a-is-place.a. A cinema is films to see a placeb. A place to films is a place see filmsc. A place to see films a cinema isd. A cinema is a place to see films​




Sebenarnya ada 2 model jawaban, yaitu :

A cinema is a place to see films


A place to see films is a cinema

2. 2.why sau ling must be sent away? Answer:3.what happened when sau ling had a meal? Answer:4.what made sau ling get job? Answer:5.who asked sau ling to go home? Answer:Tolong bantu jawab, tpi bukan di translet kan ​


2. because sau ling has done evil

3. sau ling eat too much

4. because sau ling is very smar

5. asked sau ling master tho

3. 1.supermarket is a place where?2.hotel is a place where?3.court is a place where?4.drustore is a place where?​


1.dimana supermarket?

2.dimana hotel?

3.dimana lapangan?

4.dimana toko obat?


itu harusnya drug store bukan drustore dan semoga membantu!


1.Right near down to the street.

2.Over the right side city

3.In the earth a market place but it's selling some medical care and some obat


Go ngerti aku tu pertanyaan apa ini?

4. 1. A place for sarving money is.... 2. A place for studying and teaching is... 3. A place for thereat sick people is....


1. Bank

2. School

3. Hospital

5. 558Match the places with their funguons.Bodibisnis, tempat iemand must bortkut ongu turig invas.A place to get medicaltreatment2. A place to save money3 A place to go to studyeverydayA place to go to eat meals6. A place to go to picnic8. A place to see animalsD9. A place for planes to landand to take-off8. A place to send lettersSMSHIS9. A place to walk, play andrelax40. A place to buy books​



Cocokkan tempat dengan funguonnya.

Bodibisnis, tempat iemand harus bortkut ongu turig invas.

Tempat berobat


2. Tempat menyimpan uang

3 Tempat untuk belajar

setiap hari

Tempat makan

6. Tempat piknik

8. Tempat untuk melihat binatang


9. Tempat mendarat pesawat

dan lepas landas

8. Tempat mengirim surat



9. Tempat untuk berjalan-jalan, bermain dan


40. Tempat membeli buku

itu artinya maaf itu soal apa bukan sih

6. a place where we can send our lettersa place where we fill IM fuel our cara place where the people can borrow the booksa place where you do some sporta place where Yoo see your favorite band's performece


gas station


sports stadium / gym


7. 1. the kichen 2. the dining room 3. the bedroom. 4. the garade. 5. the garden 6. the bathroom7. a storage room8. the living room9. the study rooma. a place to wash b. a place to sleepc. a place to studyd. a place to relax or talke. a place to cookf. a place to grow flowersg. a place to keep thingsh. a place to keep a cari. a place to eat​


the kitchen= e. a place to cookthe dining room= i. a place to eatthe bedroom= b. a place to sleepthe garade= h. a place to keep a carthe garden= f. a place to grow flowersthe bathroom= a. a place to washa storage room= g. a place to keep thingsthe living room= d. a place to relax or talkthe study room= c. a place to study


semoga bermanfaat:)

8. Questions:1. Where did the story happen?Answer:2. Why Sau Ling must be sent away?Answer:3. What happened when Sau Ling had a meal?Answer:4. What made Sau Ling get the job?Answer:g5. Who asked Sau Ling to go home?Answer: tolonng terjemahkan​


1.Dimana cerita itu terjadi?

2.Kenapa Sau Ling harus dikirim?

3.Apa yang terjadi saat Sau Ling sedang sarapan?

4.Apa yang membuat Sau Ling dapat pekerjaan?

5.Siapa yang mengajak Sau Ling pulang?

9. Match these sentences!bus is a1 A place to savemoney is2. A place to borrow books is 3. A place to go by bus is4. A place to carepatients is5. A place to send letters is6. A place to see films is7. A place to go for shopping is8. A place to go by trains is​

1. Bank
2. Library
3. Bus station/ bus stop
4. Hospital
5. Post office
6. Cinema
7. Mall/ shopping center
8. Train station

Semoga membantu :)

10. books.27. What is the function of a green grocer?a. It is a place to buy the spinach.b. It is a place to buy the fruits.c. It is a place to buy the stamps.d. It is a place to collect the fruits.28. A-place-it-is-dinner-have-toThe correct arrangement is...........a. A place it is to have dinnerb. It is a place to dinner haveC.Dinner it is a place to haved. It is a place to have dinner​

27. A. It is a place to buy the spinach

28. D. It is a place to have dinner

Semoga membantu.

11. 13.15.16.A place to go shopping isA place to see the film isA place to save money isA place to buy medicine isA place to see the animals isA place to get lessons isA place to buy books isA place to swim isA place to buy pencil, ruler, eraser,sharpener, etc is...A place to buy fresh vegetables is18.19.20.polaryermarketCinemaStationaryPost officeRailway stationBakeryAirporttandming pool​


1. 20 2. ermarket semoga membantu

12. Jodohkanan tempat1. A place to get medicaltreatment2. A place to save money3. A place to go to studyeverydayA place to go to eat meals5. A place to go to picnic6. A place to see animals7. A place for planes to landand to take-off8. A place to send letters9. A place to walk, play andrelax 10. A place to buy booksTolong di bantu jawab besok di kumpul​


1. drugstore / hospital ( apotik / rumah sakit)

2. Bank ( bank )

3. School (sekolah)

4. Restaurant ( Restoran )

5. Park ( Taman )

6. Zoo ( Kebun binatang )

7. Airport ( bandara )

8. pos office ( kantor pos )

9. Park ( taman )

10. bookstore ( Toko buku )

maaf jika salah

semoga membantu ✨

13. 1. Where did the story happen?Answer: ...2. Why must Sau Ling be sent away?Answer: ....3. What happened when Sau Ling had a meal?Answer:4. What made Sau Ling get the job?Answer: .....5. Who asked Sau Ling to go home?Answer: ...​


1. Taipei / The great city of Taipei

2. Because a fortune teller tells the family that one day Sau Ling will become a thief and cause them a lot of trouble.

3. Someone had taken his bag by mistake

4. Because Sau Ling returned the bag to the young man

5. The young man


The text is a bit cropped

14. atas perintah dari tuan sikap sau tidak a menjawabnya B memberitahukannya C mendengarkan D melaksanakan​


mungkin c


Maaf kalo salah

15. a place where the patients are taken carea place where we can buy anything we needa place where a guest stay for one nighta place we can eat our meals​


1. The place where the patients are taken care is hospital

2. The place where we can buy anything we need is supermarket

3. The place where a guest stay for one night is hotel

4. The place where we can eat our meals is restaurant




- hospital



-Restoraunt and cafe


sorry if im wrong

(maaf kalo salah)

16. Perhatikan cuplikan bunyi berikut ini! Bunyi asli: Sau - da - ra Bunyi pantul: .... Sau - da - ra Terdengar: Sau .... .... ra Bunyi pantul itu termasuk ____________

Bunyi pantul yang terdengar tersebut adalah gaung atau kerdam. Gaung adalah bunyi pantul yang terdengar hampir bersamaan dengan bunyi asli sehingga tidak terdengar jelas.


Bunyi pantul adalah bunyi yang dipantulkan ketika bunyi mengenai permukaan yang kasar seperti tembok, batu, dinding goa, dan lainnya. Bunyi pantul ada tiga, salah satunya adalah gaung.

Gaung atau kerdam adalah bunyi pantul yang terdengar hampir bersamaan dengan bunyi asli, sehingga bunyi yang terdengar tidak jelas. Gaung terjadi pada ruangan yang kecil, seperti di studio musik.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh gaung, yaitu:

Bunyi pada studio musik yang tidak diberi peredam suara. Suara di dalam bioskop jika bioskop tidak diberi peredam suara.Suara teriakan di dalam goa.

Pelajari lebih lanjutBuku sekolah tentang tentang gaung, pada:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

17. Mengapa persauan nusantara tersebut hanya bersifat sementara

karena tidak adanya kesadaran rakyat nusantara .......maaf kalo salah

18. 6. lafadz sau bila waqof dibaca....اسماء .aسماء.bمساء ا.cمساء d​



maaf jika salah

semoga bermanfaat

19. 1. A place to buy books is2. A place to swim is .....3. A place to buy pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener, etc is4. A place to buy fresh vegetables is5. A place to go shopping is ....6. A place to go to somewhere by bus is7. A place to buy some medicines is ......8, A place to send mail/letter is .....9. A place to see wild animals is ......10. A place to go to the other island by ship is​



swimming pool



bus stop




maaf kl salah


BookstoreSwimming pool stationery store vegetable market MallBus Interchange (Terminal bus)pharmacy Post officezooPort / harbor


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

20. (a place for saving latters.......(a place to get formal​

Jawaban:in the mailbox for send emails

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